When everything is allowed nothing is free? A quote I once heard that seems appropriate. Also, give a man a mask and he'll tell you the truth. Another quote (this one from a movie.)
So much concentration it takes to type correctly. Very drunk I am. Also, I am not the man known as Storybook. I am his writer friend, Savage Hanry. Or henry. Point is, he told me to start writing or there would be a price to pay.
I wish for a future without dissonance but that is a pipe dream. What the hell does that mean? I just looked at what I wrote and none of it makes sense. So much for divine inspiration through booze. Well, take care all of you fans of Story and I'll talk at you later. Much love, Savage Henry
When everything is allowed nothing is free? A quote I once heard that seems appropriate. Also, give a man a mask and he'll tell you the truth. Another quote (this one from a movie.)
So much concentration it takes to type correctly. Very drunk I am. Also, I am not the man known as Storybook. I am his writer friend, Savage Hanry. Or henry. Point is, he told me to start writing or there would be a price to pay.
I wish for a future without dissonance but that is a pipe dream. What the hell does that mean? I just looked at what I wrote and none of it makes sense. So much for divine inspiration through booze. Well, take care all of you fans of Story and I'll talk at you later. Much love, Savage Henry