This 4 day weekend thing is something a guy could get used to after a while. Sadly, that isnt gonna happen. So Ill just have to settle for 3 day weekends until next semester. I told my job I needed fridays off this summer for school but im not going until fall. I dont need the money that badly and 3 days off in a row every week for 3 months is going to do wonders for my disposition. I hope. Time will tell.
So the holiday weekend was ok for the most part. Sat around and did some reading. Currently working on Ghengis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford. Pretty fine read so far. Also picked up Thief 3. This game will rule my life for the forseeabale future. Im all about being sneeky in games so this is right up my ally. I also decided to, God help me not get addicted again, try City of Heroes. Its alot of fun running around a huge city with super powers clobbering bad guys and forming super groups with people and Im very impressed with character creation kit. I spent about 45 min making my character and have made 3 more since then just to play with the thing.
Yesterday Drew, Bill and I decided to try frisbee golf. So we picked up a set of disks and headed to the park, which is only two blocks from my house
. Upon arriving we discoverd that none of us know the first thing about playing frisbee golf or how to accuratley throw a frisbee for that matter. So we came up with our own game. Basically its just frisbee tag where everyone is it all at the same time. We each get 2 disks and throw them at each other in an attempt to hit the other person and get a ppoint. 2 points for a crotch shot!
You also get a point for deflecting a disk that was thrown at you with one of your own disks ala TRON, which is what we called the game for lack of a better name. Call Disney and tell them that 3 twentysomethings are infringing on their copyright! This has to be one of the funnest games Ive ever played and we plan to keep palying it until someone either dies or is paralyzed. Then we'll morn. Then the survivors will play in the dearly departeds honor.
Hows aboot you guys? How was your weekend?
So the holiday weekend was ok for the most part. Sat around and did some reading. Currently working on Ghengis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford. Pretty fine read so far. Also picked up Thief 3. This game will rule my life for the forseeabale future. Im all about being sneeky in games so this is right up my ally. I also decided to, God help me not get addicted again, try City of Heroes. Its alot of fun running around a huge city with super powers clobbering bad guys and forming super groups with people and Im very impressed with character creation kit. I spent about 45 min making my character and have made 3 more since then just to play with the thing.
Yesterday Drew, Bill and I decided to try frisbee golf. So we picked up a set of disks and headed to the park, which is only two blocks from my house

Hows aboot you guys? How was your weekend?
Frisbee golf!!!! It has been TOO long since I've had a good turn of Frisbee Golf. I may have to set up a game soon!