my sentiments, exactly!
1. Work - back around Halloween my trudging came to an end. After 5.5 years working for the most self-centered, immature whinning boss I have encountered... I was fired. I snapped...
* that Saturday I had the most horrible, chaotic birthday party that I have ever experienced. This party was so bad that the alligator, chinchilla and skunk were flipping in their holding cages from all of the noise and commotion that the children AND the parents were creating. Keep in mind that alligators are extremely rugged animals that have out-survived the dinosaurs... it takes alot for an alligator to get anxiously, stressed. That show left a bad taste in my mouth and I went home that night.
While preparing to eat a whole plate of sashimi with my gf in bed, I checked my bank account and found that they had taken $300 in overdraft fees out of my checking account... mind you that I had deposited $800 on Friday/the day before???
After an hour on the phone, I found out that my bank had changed their deposited funds policy without notifying me. They removed all the overdraft fees and gave me back my money.
** keep in mind at this point I was working 2 jobs: the shitty animal job doing shows part-time and part-time ceiling installation for a construction company. I was working 6-7 days/week for over a month straight.
*** also, keep in mind that I had been installing fiberglass installation for construction and my employer provided me with no safety equipment/suits... my body was enflamed in hives from the fiberglass contact all the way from neck to my waist line (including the arms).
So, when I walk into work Sunday morning and my boss's wife confronted me about my show complaint from the previous day and I let it rip; I disembowled her ego.
We had a very heated debate for 40 minutes and it ended neutral. I had 2 shows that day, left the building for my shows, my boss's wife told me to have a good show day and when I came back late that evening my boss's wife told me that she thought about our discussion that day and that our working relationship had come to an end. She asked for my keys, wished me "good luck with the construction job" and the biggest weight of stress I have ever held onto suddenly disappeared...
Or, so I thought.
2. Thanksgiving - I quit my construction job the next week because I could not physically handle the health problems with fiberglass splinters all over my body. My bosses were not dousches and it ended neutral.
On Nov. 18 I filed for unemployment after waiting 4 hours in line. On Nov. 21 I flew out to Vegas to see my grandmother as she is near 80 and we don't know how much longer she will be around. On that trip I had the worst flying experience of my entire life with United (keep in mind I have been flying since I was 6). I caught the flu while I was in Vegas and flew back Thanksgiving Eve just in time to wake up the next morning feeling like a mac truck had run me over a few times. My T-day was spent sleeping, walking downstairs for dinner, sleeping, walking down stairs for dessert and then sleeping. Besides the shitty travel and being sick, my gf's mom and my mom met for the first time and they hit it off well

funny picture time

3. The Process - so, because this economy is so bad, after filing my benefits claims every week for over a month and dealing with shitty attitudes from people at unemployment EVERY time I seek information... I find out that my prior boss is fighting my unemployment. Another week later I found out why... he is claiming I left his business to pursue construction full-time.
I am now waiting to hear from my representative about what happens next? Most likely we will go to court and tell each of our cases to the judge. I have a ton of ammo against my boss and I'm not too worried about it because I have alot of sway in ruling on my part due to the economy, the fact that I had to seek additional supplementation in wages because my primary employer was'nt providing enough hours/business for me and also the judges side with employees in most of these cases in an economy like this.
4. ANIMALES - I've had alot of losses with my animals and some great, new additions. Fenway had to get his leg amputated after over a month of dealing with hospital visits. My blue tegu died after problems with his hibernation in a freak accident right after the ice storm hit us here. The day before I left for Vegas I had a photo shoot with my reptiles/tarantulas and the end result were some beautiful pieces... because I don't own Photoshop I can't post the pics here but be on the look out at my MySpace as I'll have them on there

O.K. I just spent an hour on my driveway and I'm spent... leave

Now, more funny shit

this Rules your world
Wow, that dog picture is insane. That's a pretty good mix of things to relax with!! Haha, I need to take some hints from you

Awful and funny at the same time.