Where to begin... where to begin?

I am a ghost.
Not just in these parts, but life in general.
After I came back from my cousin's wedding last month, the girl I mentioned that I met at the dog park and I have been pretty serious. We had our first date on July 4th at Canobie Lake Park. We saw the fireworks together and rode rides that made my stomache churn. It was great
So on the week of the 4th, Nikki (the girl) had a week's worth of vacation. We went to the beach, had dinners, met her friends/family and this girl even helped me clean my ENTIRE animal room. This girl deserves a prize! All of the years I have been dating and all the girls I dated, I never had a girl full-on help me with my pets and that means so much too me. I am happy.
Skip forward to the weekend of July 13. Got up at ass-crack of dawn Sat. morning and drove to Cape Cod and picked up my friend Henrick on the way down. We took the ferry from Hyannis to Nantucket and my feets were on the sandy beach by 10 a.m. My TATTOO artist and I surfed for 4 hours. It was tit!
Sunday at the lobster bake I ate 2 huge lobstahs and I
3 times a few hours later. Came home late Sunday night and went to normal day-to-day life.
Last Wed. Hurricane Bertha gave me lots of love! She sent waves my way and I surfed for another 4 hours! Nikki met me at the beach, bought me mucho good Chinese food and I went to sleep long time.
Last Saturday night I went to my first Boston Derby Bout and the lovely Miss Puma from Burlington, VT's derby team crashed at my house
I almost killed us driving back
On Monday, Bertha's effects were still active and allowed Justin and I to surf another 3.5 hours in NH's coast.
Friday I get 2 sugar gilder for free!
Tonight I drink beer!
Tonight I finish building the wallio.
Customers are already contacting me to book shows for my business!
Saturday I spend the day at Rock the Bells!!!
I am a ghost. But not just in these parts...
Here is Nantucketness

These seagulls do not like us when we invade their island.

I should get my gas here:

Everyone loves a

I am a ghost.
Not just in these parts, but life in general.
After I came back from my cousin's wedding last month, the girl I mentioned that I met at the dog park and I have been pretty serious. We had our first date on July 4th at Canobie Lake Park. We saw the fireworks together and rode rides that made my stomache churn. It was great

So on the week of the 4th, Nikki (the girl) had a week's worth of vacation. We went to the beach, had dinners, met her friends/family and this girl even helped me clean my ENTIRE animal room. This girl deserves a prize! All of the years I have been dating and all the girls I dated, I never had a girl full-on help me with my pets and that means so much too me. I am happy.
Skip forward to the weekend of July 13. Got up at ass-crack of dawn Sat. morning and drove to Cape Cod and picked up my friend Henrick on the way down. We took the ferry from Hyannis to Nantucket and my feets were on the sandy beach by 10 a.m. My TATTOO artist and I surfed for 4 hours. It was tit!
Sunday at the lobster bake I ate 2 huge lobstahs and I

Last Wed. Hurricane Bertha gave me lots of love! She sent waves my way and I surfed for another 4 hours! Nikki met me at the beach, bought me mucho good Chinese food and I went to sleep long time.
Last Saturday night I went to my first Boston Derby Bout and the lovely Miss Puma from Burlington, VT's derby team crashed at my house

On Monday, Bertha's effects were still active and allowed Justin and I to surf another 3.5 hours in NH's coast.
Friday I get 2 sugar gilder for free!
Tonight I drink beer!
Tonight I finish building the wallio.
Customers are already contacting me to book shows for my business!
Saturday I spend the day at Rock the Bells!!!
I am a ghost. But not just in these parts...
Here is Nantucketness

These seagulls do not like us when we invade their island.

I should get my gas here:

Everyone loves a

o yea seriously my man. it sux.
I'd hardly say my life is luxorious.