Boy Oh Boy!
So, Yesterday I had 3 shows. I was late for my last 2 because my first show had me walk my animals from the car, across the drive way, inside the house and downstairs to the basement with a door that blocks access from 1 direction and kids running up and down the stairs. Long story short, for my 2nd show I had an irate mom yelling at me on the phone while I was driving to her house.
By the time I was done with her show she gave me hug, apologized to me and gave me a $60 tip. This is what happens when you are a person with a good heart are 100% honest with yourself and can handle dealing with people who are upset by reassuring them that all things will be justified and their needs will be met. By hussling my spirit and making sure that the customer was happy and ALSO that my side of the situation was understood. I brought a customer from yelling to hugging me.
I'm such an asshole.
My boss doesn't believe in this and he will bring a a sick snake to a birthday party just because a mom "wants the yellow snake for her son's birthday party". He rather have a customer happy and spread the word that he manages such a great company than to do the right thing make sure that HIS snake is healthy and doesn't die from being on the road too much.
He is such a great person.
I get a call from my boss's wife that my 2nd show was switched up. Sure, no problem!
I receive a call from Kat, my co-worker, and she called to ask if I wanted to switch my 1st show? Sure, no problem!
I arrive to work and we are all happy. While I'm packing, I notice that my boss is being an asshole in the way he is talking to Anthony, a relatively new co-worker. Now, I didn't know what the talk was about... but I found out that my boss yelled at him for changing a turtle tank's water that was dirty. He wasn't so mad that Anthony wanted to clean the dirty water... but, was mad that Anthony didn't do it the way that he wanted.
Anthony is such an asshole!
My first show was good as it can be with a group of 12, 6 year old boys. If you work with kids, you know that this age is the WORST of any gender! I got No tip.
I'm not good with kids.
My 2nd show was at this house that is straight out of Architecturall Digest in historic Concord, MA. The son hugged me first thing when he opened the door before I could even tell him my name. The show was great but at the end I asked for another hug and he didn't want to. He wouldn't even shake my hand good-bye?
So, I said good-bye and he followed my car to the end of the drive way yelling good-bye alongside 15 of his friends. The father asked if I could accept a tip and I said yes; thank you!
He gave me a $100 tip.
I am not a great person.
I arrive back to work and my boss is the only person there. Everyone had left and he starts shooting the shit with me because he wants someone to start talking to him about how everyone in the world sucks and no one understands that what he wants isn't that much!!!
I talked to him to keep things neutral and told him to have a good vacation. With my body language I influenced him that I did not want him around because I did not want to talk. I deal with too much bullshit from the public and in my personal life I don't need to hear my boss's little violin playing.
I'm a great person.
* The point of this journal entry is to show the ironies in life's dynamics ~ that some things are never what they seem.
I hope I conveyed this well
K, fun time...
I like this pic

So, Yesterday I had 3 shows. I was late for my last 2 because my first show had me walk my animals from the car, across the drive way, inside the house and downstairs to the basement with a door that blocks access from 1 direction and kids running up and down the stairs. Long story short, for my 2nd show I had an irate mom yelling at me on the phone while I was driving to her house.
By the time I was done with her show she gave me hug, apologized to me and gave me a $60 tip. This is what happens when you are a person with a good heart are 100% honest with yourself and can handle dealing with people who are upset by reassuring them that all things will be justified and their needs will be met. By hussling my spirit and making sure that the customer was happy and ALSO that my side of the situation was understood. I brought a customer from yelling to hugging me.
I'm such an asshole.
My boss doesn't believe in this and he will bring a a sick snake to a birthday party just because a mom "wants the yellow snake for her son's birthday party". He rather have a customer happy and spread the word that he manages such a great company than to do the right thing make sure that HIS snake is healthy and doesn't die from being on the road too much.
He is such a great person.
I get a call from my boss's wife that my 2nd show was switched up. Sure, no problem!
I receive a call from Kat, my co-worker, and she called to ask if I wanted to switch my 1st show? Sure, no problem!
I arrive to work and we are all happy. While I'm packing, I notice that my boss is being an asshole in the way he is talking to Anthony, a relatively new co-worker. Now, I didn't know what the talk was about... but I found out that my boss yelled at him for changing a turtle tank's water that was dirty. He wasn't so mad that Anthony wanted to clean the dirty water... but, was mad that Anthony didn't do it the way that he wanted.
Anthony is such an asshole!
My first show was good as it can be with a group of 12, 6 year old boys. If you work with kids, you know that this age is the WORST of any gender! I got No tip.
I'm not good with kids.
My 2nd show was at this house that is straight out of Architecturall Digest in historic Concord, MA. The son hugged me first thing when he opened the door before I could even tell him my name. The show was great but at the end I asked for another hug and he didn't want to. He wouldn't even shake my hand good-bye?
So, I said good-bye and he followed my car to the end of the drive way yelling good-bye alongside 15 of his friends. The father asked if I could accept a tip and I said yes; thank you!
He gave me a $100 tip.
I am not a great person.
I arrive back to work and my boss is the only person there. Everyone had left and he starts shooting the shit with me because he wants someone to start talking to him about how everyone in the world sucks and no one understands that what he wants isn't that much!!!
I talked to him to keep things neutral and told him to have a good vacation. With my body language I influenced him that I did not want him around because I did not want to talk. I deal with too much bullshit from the public and in my personal life I don't need to hear my boss's little violin playing.
I'm a great person.
* The point of this journal entry is to show the ironies in life's dynamics ~ that some things are never what they seem.
I hope I conveyed this well

K, fun time...

I like this pic

They offered him space in non-deployable units. Also, there's a small chance we may move to Italy. But it's more likely, he'll take the offer for the unit here.