I'm still alive... I SWEAR!
There needs to be some funny Ha-Ha in this blog.

I'm in transmigration to my new house in the woods of NH! Like, we are talking pine trees in my back yard and shit! And... yes, I did start a sentence with "Like,"
There will be pictures, updates and new stories to tell when I am settled in my new abode. Until, the I will leave you with this: I have a new baby alligator named "Scuba Steve, I'm getting the world's biggest frog in a week and I sleep with a lizard every night... in fact, he is laying on my legs as we speak. We are gay like that
Back to funny Ha-Ha

There needs to be some funny Ha-Ha in this blog.

I'm in transmigration to my new house in the woods of NH! Like, we are talking pine trees in my back yard and shit! And... yes, I did start a sentence with "Like,"

There will be pictures, updates and new stories to tell when I am settled in my new abode. Until, the I will leave you with this: I have a new baby alligator named "Scuba Steve, I'm getting the world's biggest frog in a week and I sleep with a lizard every night... in fact, he is laying on my legs as we speak. We are gay like that

Back to funny Ha-Ha

i want to see pictures of your backyard wilderness.