Thursday Apr 01, 2004 Mar 31, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS menotyou: Ooooh. Blue AND Yellow. Good answer. Do you prefer smaller quieter bars, larger bars with lots of people, or clubs? I spend a lot of time at Catbirds. It's easily the coolest bar in town. Apr 1, 2004 lipservicejen: wish i could share some of your mood... it's just not happening though. not today. but i'm happy your full of shit-eatin'-grins! ride a wave for me. Apr 1, 2004
Do you prefer smaller quieter bars, larger bars with lots of people, or clubs? I spend a lot of time at Catbirds. It's easily the coolest bar in town.
wish i could share some of your mood... it's just not happening though. not today.
but i'm happy your full of shit-eatin'-grins! ride a wave for me.