i envy "crazy" people, they perceive themselves in a different way from every one else, they think they're someone and the rest of the world says they're wrong, but if they really whole heartedly believe that they're who they say they are and nothing can change they're mind, and they're living as that person even if in they're mind, than it is true, for they perceive themselves as that person, that means that a "crazy" person can wake up one morning and believe in their own mind that the world is completely fine, peace everywhere, in other words a Utopian society, we might perceive that they are wrong by our perceptions of the world, but who is right and wrong, i say each is right to their own judgment, because if you believe something so much and no one can prove you wrong (by that i mean change your mind) than whatever you believe is right, all we have is perceptions, we walk along in dreams we call reality, and others we call dreams, why can't we make those perfect dreams reality, and forget the nightmares, the pain, the hate, all negativity, for as long as you can change your own mind, then to you (which in reality is all that really matters)your surroundings are what you make them, wouldn't that make us all gods? So wouldn't that make crazy people god to themselves? That's why i envy them, for no matter how hard i tried when i was younger to alter my perception to my own liking i was never able to shed the collective conscience, therefore i still live in the world connected to everyone, seeing and believing the norm, or at least that is my perception. And only finding solace in substance and clips of memories that might have never happened..... well that or I'm stoned off my ass... i think a little of both
i really do love you for your mind
...i love when u make me think, and when you put things in perspective for me...and its written so beautifully....