M birthday went well and I'm still not done celebrating. ha I have lots of family and friends so each wants to meet with me for dinner so I have two more activities to go. So far the only gift I've received has been a roomba, which is amazing. I'm now trying to figure out what to get myself with my bday money. I was...
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Today is my birthday! I turned 25 and I must say this past year has been the best ever. I've met really awesome people and did lots of things that I had been putting off. It was also a really hard year because I lost my job and then got screwed over by a boss but all in all it has been a learning year....
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Happy birthday gorgeous!
happy burfday!
I'm back! Thanks to who ever reactivated me!
Welcome back! I think it's SG, I got the same sweet deal. 

Word up yo!
Life has been super busy. Last week my mac died. =( She is all better now but I lost everything. She is now rocking a new hard drive and ram and is one fast lady. ^_^ Work is getting more frustrating and I'm trying to keep my anger under control while I'm there. Other then that I'm moving soon and I've been...
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Life has been super busy. Last week my mac died. =( She is all better now but I lost everything. She is now rocking a new hard drive and ram and is one fast lady. ^_^ Work is getting more frustrating and I'm trying to keep my anger under control while I'm there. Other then that I'm moving soon and I've been...
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where are you moving, local or out of town?
oh, and cute pic
oh, and cute pic

I like the bottom pic

Dragon*con was amazing and now I'm back to normal life.

My birthday is tomorrow. Dragon*con is this weekend. I'm excited!

Happy B-Day....
Happy B-Day....

Life is pretty good right now. I'm counting down the days till my B-day and then DragonCon!!

Well happy early birthday to ya!
and so it goes...
You should take more sexy pics of yourself....
you look great, and I love that quote.