I cant sleep
Im getting my bangs cut and a trim tmw i really need it my hair had gotten a little crazy as of late.
Im going to Savannah in about two weeks so im really excited about that Ive never been and i hear its beautiful, it will be nice to get away just me and my boyfriend, we hardly ever have any time for just us with work wow and roommates.
Ive been on a hero movie binge lately Iron Man 1 and 2, Planet Hulk , Hulk with Edward Norton
But i wish i had more to talk about but what can i say i have a pretty boring life.

Im getting my bangs cut and a trim tmw i really need it my hair had gotten a little crazy as of late.
Im going to Savannah in about two weeks so im really excited about that Ive never been and i hear its beautiful, it will be nice to get away just me and my boyfriend, we hardly ever have any time for just us with work wow and roommates.
Ive been on a hero movie binge lately Iron Man 1 and 2, Planet Hulk , Hulk with Edward Norton

But i wish i had more to talk about but what can i say i have a pretty boring life.

Haha! I had just posted you a really sweet comment here and it erased it, so I had to start over. That's all! 

I've been through Savannah a few times and I really like the town. I hope you have a safe trip.