Another graveyard shift.
When you get older days sort of blend together I feel. I almost never know what day it is or what the date is. All I know is deadlines, big projects, little projects, and prospects. It's so crazy, and so easy to get lost in the every day hustle and bustle of it all. Seldom a clear and coherent thought in this madness.
Usually I'm so caught up in this numb, bland, curious like a child, from the outside looking in state that I forget what enjoyment feels like, or pain, or fear, or anything at all for that matter. Just pretty pictures and sounds whizzing by, studying a situation or an object like a child would, and I could observe its every shape and color, and feel every emotion it might convey without even understanding its purpose, or without ever asking myself what it is or how it works.
And then *boom* in an instant and only for a limited time, I am completely aware of my life. My failures, oh how they pile up, my fears, my worries, all this anger and frustration, and it feels as I would imagine, a fisherman would feel, in his tiny wooden boat, right after a mammoth of a whale pops out of the water around him, in all her majesty and grace. Feeling so small and helpless, and in awe of something he has no control over. Just letting go..and going along for the ride. And before you know it..the numbness is back, and I have missed it oh so much.
I ramble.
So I'm selling shirts, and well it seems to be going okay. But then again I haven't delivered all too many just yet. I'll be making my first few tomorrow, so let's hope. I have learned all too well, that people can place an order, people can be excited, people cannot wait for something, only to turn around and walk the other way when the time comes.
I wouldn't be surprised if I don't sell a single shirt tomorrow. Oh well, time will tell.
I am almost ready to be able to ship internationally, I have found my payment method, which is going to be paypal. And now all i have to do is to figure out shipping costs, and I am ready to sell to everyone and anyone interested. Anywhere. Ever.
So I'm pretty excited about that. SG's take note, you can buy my shirts
(Doubt that anyone will even read this, and if so, care to buy any shirt I'm selling, but hey I tried)
I ended up watching Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland tonight. And you know what, it wasn't all too bad.
When I first hear the news that Tim would be doing this, I was pretty happy to hear this. Eversince I was a kid I remember thinking to myself that this guy should do this movie, I want to see his take on it, because I think he would be able to breathe some seriously wicked air into this story. But this was back when Edward Scissor hands came out. And back then, Tim was awesome as fuck.
Nowadays, most of what I see Tim do, is sort of this silly, funny, sort of dark, quirky version of what he used to do. A mere shadow of what the man used to produce. I don't know why he does all of this cutesy stuff nowadays, it's almost apologetic. Sort of to say "I'm sorry I'm such a morbid Goth, but hey see? I still made you giggle!"
The man has true vision, and there's not allot of people that do fantasy and especially dark fantasy like him, but for a while now, he hasn't brought his A game, I think personally. He uses CG too much nowadays I think, when he used to build these massive set pieces, and do more animatronics and the costumes and the make up, and all of this, wow, it was magic. I personally prefer a mix of animatronics and CG. A mix of the old and the new. With most projects that is. With something like Avatar, that would never work obviously, but for Alice, I think it would have made the movie even better.
But all in all, I thought it was alright, I give it a fine 3.5 out of 5 stars. Depp was cool. I know people have been complaining about his dance at the end, but I thought that was cool. All in all, not bad Tim, not your best, but also definitely not your worst.
Next movie on the docket would be "Shutter Island" I don't expect to be blown away by it, just mildly entertained at least. I didn't like "Cape Fear" all that much, so I don't see why this one should blow me away. But let's see. I always walk into the theater with an open mind, a clean slate, and have them take me along for the ride.
I'm thinking that is my approach towards everything; Life, Movies, Music, all of it.
"Move like a jellyfish, rhythm don't be nuthin', you go with the flow, you don't stop"

When you get older days sort of blend together I feel. I almost never know what day it is or what the date is. All I know is deadlines, big projects, little projects, and prospects. It's so crazy, and so easy to get lost in the every day hustle and bustle of it all. Seldom a clear and coherent thought in this madness.
Usually I'm so caught up in this numb, bland, curious like a child, from the outside looking in state that I forget what enjoyment feels like, or pain, or fear, or anything at all for that matter. Just pretty pictures and sounds whizzing by, studying a situation or an object like a child would, and I could observe its every shape and color, and feel every emotion it might convey without even understanding its purpose, or without ever asking myself what it is or how it works.
And then *boom* in an instant and only for a limited time, I am completely aware of my life. My failures, oh how they pile up, my fears, my worries, all this anger and frustration, and it feels as I would imagine, a fisherman would feel, in his tiny wooden boat, right after a mammoth of a whale pops out of the water around him, in all her majesty and grace. Feeling so small and helpless, and in awe of something he has no control over. Just letting go..and going along for the ride. And before you know it..the numbness is back, and I have missed it oh so much.
I ramble.
So I'm selling shirts, and well it seems to be going okay. But then again I haven't delivered all too many just yet. I'll be making my first few tomorrow, so let's hope. I have learned all too well, that people can place an order, people can be excited, people cannot wait for something, only to turn around and walk the other way when the time comes.
I wouldn't be surprised if I don't sell a single shirt tomorrow. Oh well, time will tell.
I am almost ready to be able to ship internationally, I have found my payment method, which is going to be paypal. And now all i have to do is to figure out shipping costs, and I am ready to sell to everyone and anyone interested. Anywhere. Ever.
So I'm pretty excited about that. SG's take note, you can buy my shirts

I ended up watching Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland tonight. And you know what, it wasn't all too bad.
When I first hear the news that Tim would be doing this, I was pretty happy to hear this. Eversince I was a kid I remember thinking to myself that this guy should do this movie, I want to see his take on it, because I think he would be able to breathe some seriously wicked air into this story. But this was back when Edward Scissor hands came out. And back then, Tim was awesome as fuck.
Nowadays, most of what I see Tim do, is sort of this silly, funny, sort of dark, quirky version of what he used to do. A mere shadow of what the man used to produce. I don't know why he does all of this cutesy stuff nowadays, it's almost apologetic. Sort of to say "I'm sorry I'm such a morbid Goth, but hey see? I still made you giggle!"
The man has true vision, and there's not allot of people that do fantasy and especially dark fantasy like him, but for a while now, he hasn't brought his A game, I think personally. He uses CG too much nowadays I think, when he used to build these massive set pieces, and do more animatronics and the costumes and the make up, and all of this, wow, it was magic. I personally prefer a mix of animatronics and CG. A mix of the old and the new. With most projects that is. With something like Avatar, that would never work obviously, but for Alice, I think it would have made the movie even better.
But all in all, I thought it was alright, I give it a fine 3.5 out of 5 stars. Depp was cool. I know people have been complaining about his dance at the end, but I thought that was cool. All in all, not bad Tim, not your best, but also definitely not your worst.
Next movie on the docket would be "Shutter Island" I don't expect to be blown away by it, just mildly entertained at least. I didn't like "Cape Fear" all that much, so I don't see why this one should blow me away. But let's see. I always walk into the theater with an open mind, a clean slate, and have them take me along for the ride.
I'm thinking that is my approach towards everything; Life, Movies, Music, all of it.
"Move like a jellyfish, rhythm don't be nuthin', you go with the flow, you don't stop"

thanks for add!