Today i've got my first contact lenses. It feels somehow strange, but it's nice to have no glasses on my nose
Also I bought tickets for Spirit festival at pukemusik store.
I took my chance and purchased the brand new Berliner Weisse vs Gumbles CD. The guy at pukemusic told me that he lovs the new album and that he had it running the whole monday.
Totally happy i put my new treasure into my hi-fi ...
first song: french soft song ... checked the cover should be a punk version of "David Hasselhoffs" "Hot Shot City"
checked the other songs. french soft music too
Something went terrible wrong. It spoiled my evening.
Thanks to 7 years latinclass I don't speak a single word french, so I don't even get what they are singing about.
Tomorrow pukemusic again!^^
Finaly Toxpack made my day with
p.s.: I'm sorry for any grammatical errors or misspellings. I try to get better
Also I bought tickets for Spirit festival at pukemusik store.
I took my chance and purchased the brand new Berliner Weisse vs Gumbles CD. The guy at pukemusic told me that he lovs the new album and that he had it running the whole monday.
Totally happy i put my new treasure into my hi-fi ...
first song: french soft song ... checked the cover should be a punk version of "David Hasselhoffs" "Hot Shot City"
checked the other songs. french soft music too
Something went terrible wrong. It spoiled my evening.
Thanks to 7 years latinclass I don't speak a single word french, so I don't even get what they are singing about.
Tomorrow pukemusic again!^^
Finaly Toxpack made my day with
p.s.: I'm sorry for any grammatical errors or misspellings. I try to get better