Spring is the scuzziest time of year in Anchorage. The snow and ice begin melting, leaving all the built up dirt and gravel used for traction exposed and caked everywhere. So everything's blackish and brown, there are no leaves on the trees, mudpuddles everywhere. Also, months of frozen dogshit accumulates and preserved under snow and ice begins to get uncovered, which just adds to the generally ugly environment.
But winter's over
But winter's over
so that I know: why do you hate so much the French ?
go ahead, make your day, I'm Belgian, so maybe i can relate...
thanx for your response. I do agree on certain points, but some points are edging on paranoia, if I may so so. It's very untrue French aren't thankful to the US to have liberated twice from the Germans, every July 14th and June 6th sees many , many flowering of soldiers graves, canadians, english, americans, even senegaleses and maroccans...
But, yes, I can relate as Belgians are French's first choice for bad jokes... ;-)
French people do think themselves highly, but so do countries that have been so big they were/are huge..Plus the fact that France has a BIG culture and they know it...
But I see your points altho it would certainly eases you to see them as very annoying and relentlessly wanting attention than being plain evil as North Korea....
thank you for your honesty, i appreciate sincerely !
jimmyjoe snark the third, brussels
[Edited on Apr 13, 2004 5:07AM]