So it's a typical Wednesday and I'm at the gym (these quads don't work themselves, people) when some big white guy comes up to me and starts chatting. He seems pretty dumb, and he says he's got a joke for me. Well, I like jokes, so I say, tell me the joke.
He says, "Did you see that huge line where Barack Obama was speaking at the yesterday?" No, I reply. "Yeah, that's because he snorted it."
Now, like you, I was deeply offended by this joke. Clearly, whatever Obama did in his past is his past, and he's more than changed, I think. But then this jackass says he has one more joke. Since I was on the stair climber " I could really feel the burn in my hips and thighs - I couldn't leave. So he says, "Obama claims that his grandmother was scared of black men...which is why he didn't become one until he was 40."
I'm sure you agree with me: there's no place for this kind of tasteless, mean-spirited character attack. I mean, sure, we say worse things about George Bush " but not Obama. Never Obama. He's a good person " unlike Bush, who's just a big unpopular jerk. Then this meathead says he has one more! What could I do? I was trapped - my thong had ridden up my Florida panhandle.
He says; "Did you hear Obama say that black fathers should take more responsibility in their children's lives? He left it on his dad's answering machine."
I know, I know: this offensive and unacceptable. And I told him so. Then he apologized and he said, "Well, you know, John McCain and Barack Obama actually have a lot in common. McCain turns to Phil Gramm for financial stability. Obama used to fill grams for financial stability."
At this point I had to leave. Attacks like this, on an intelligent man who wants to make the world a better place after eight years of destructive policies engineered by an evil genius/former drunken cheerleader, seems beyond the pale. And I hope you agree.
Anyway, as I left, I could hear that big dumb white guy shouting another joke at me. "What did Obama say when Al Gore offered him advice?" He paused. "I'm all ears!"
I'm sorry, but if you found that joke funny " then you sir are a racist bigot bad person who will burn in the hottest part of hell (if it exists, of course).
He says, "Did you see that huge line where Barack Obama was speaking at the yesterday?" No, I reply. "Yeah, that's because he snorted it."
Now, like you, I was deeply offended by this joke. Clearly, whatever Obama did in his past is his past, and he's more than changed, I think. But then this jackass says he has one more joke. Since I was on the stair climber " I could really feel the burn in my hips and thighs - I couldn't leave. So he says, "Obama claims that his grandmother was scared of black men...which is why he didn't become one until he was 40."
I'm sure you agree with me: there's no place for this kind of tasteless, mean-spirited character attack. I mean, sure, we say worse things about George Bush " but not Obama. Never Obama. He's a good person " unlike Bush, who's just a big unpopular jerk. Then this meathead says he has one more! What could I do? I was trapped - my thong had ridden up my Florida panhandle.
He says; "Did you hear Obama say that black fathers should take more responsibility in their children's lives? He left it on his dad's answering machine."
I know, I know: this offensive and unacceptable. And I told him so. Then he apologized and he said, "Well, you know, John McCain and Barack Obama actually have a lot in common. McCain turns to Phil Gramm for financial stability. Obama used to fill grams for financial stability."
At this point I had to leave. Attacks like this, on an intelligent man who wants to make the world a better place after eight years of destructive policies engineered by an evil genius/former drunken cheerleader, seems beyond the pale. And I hope you agree.
Anyway, as I left, I could hear that big dumb white guy shouting another joke at me. "What did Obama say when Al Gore offered him advice?" He paused. "I'm all ears!"
I'm sorry, but if you found that joke funny " then you sir are a racist bigot bad person who will burn in the hottest part of hell (if it exists, of course).

you're a strange cat, but i like your style.