Hey there members and ladies of SG, just wanted to make a quick blog post but sadly it's not of the happy kind sadly.
Two years ago my uncle was diagnosed with a brain tumor they could not operate on, he had a heavy dose of chemotherapy and that seemed to do the trick. Last week he started having seizures once more and x-rays have sadly confirmed it is once more growing. Over these last two years he has been growing so much older in the face, he isn't how I used to know him anymore despite how he continues to joke and smile.
I know this isn't a normal post you are used to seeing but it helps me by getting it out of my system, just leave a small prayer or thought for him if you have a moment. Cancer is a bitch indeed.
Two years ago my uncle was diagnosed with a brain tumor they could not operate on, he had a heavy dose of chemotherapy and that seemed to do the trick. Last week he started having seizures once more and x-rays have sadly confirmed it is once more growing. Over these last two years he has been growing so much older in the face, he isn't how I used to know him anymore despite how he continues to joke and smile.
I know this isn't a normal post you are used to seeing but it helps me by getting it out of my system, just leave a small prayer or thought for him if you have a moment. Cancer is a bitch indeed.