Wow it is strange what a mood change people can go through if they get just a little of what they want. Not that i ever really like giving in on anything, infact if a pillar is stuck in its place , than it is often like a reed compared how intractable i can be. maybe it is a characterflaw, or a character strength, depends on the situation i suppose.
Anyways i digress, I have given in on a couple of the little things that my ex/roommate has wanted and i must say life is alot more livabl;e here.
The other upnote, I am on my sixth day off of scheduled work and actually not on call today, YAY! i am starting to feel restless and thinking about what cases i must be missing so when i go back to work i definately will be in the right mindset to be back in the workplace.
I get paid this week and my mom sent me a VERY generous check on top of that, so i not have my moveout money, yay!
Think i will go spend just a little bit today. as a reward for my suffering through these last 2 weeks.
Well ill be catching up on everyones posts later today.
Anyways i digress, I have given in on a couple of the little things that my ex/roommate has wanted and i must say life is alot more livabl;e here.
The other upnote, I am on my sixth day off of scheduled work and actually not on call today, YAY! i am starting to feel restless and thinking about what cases i must be missing so when i go back to work i definately will be in the right mindset to be back in the workplace.
I get paid this week and my mom sent me a VERY generous check on top of that, so i not have my moveout money, yay!
Think i will go spend just a little bit today. as a reward for my suffering through these last 2 weeks.
Well ill be catching up on everyones posts later today.

How about Friday...I will bring gregarious.....and you bring girlrobot....we can figure out someplace where she can party with us.....Call me

Seems things are going better! YAY!