Ok Ima gonna rant a little tonight. Frickin goddamn doctors piss me off sometimes. Here is a little secret. They are spoiled drmanding pains in the ass sometimes. working withthem can be fun, butothertimes it is like holding a kids hand while they have a tantrum. And nothing will irritate those oversized egos more than someone who is not totally bent towards appeasement. So i was setting up a room for a case and it was alot of stuff to do, and told my nurse not to rush, cus i needed some extra time, and told her that if the doc was wanting to rush he could talk to me. well he was a prick because someone dared to say something other than YES DOCTOR. so fuck him, he can get some halfassed person to assist him in surgery. ok i feel better now.
Well im havin a nice quiet night here at home. gonna relax a little, play some Counterstrike, drink some crown and coke. than go to bed. Hope i see some of yall tomorrow.
Well im havin a nice quiet night here at home. gonna relax a little, play some Counterstrike, drink some crown and coke. than go to bed. Hope i see some of yall tomorrow.
I'm still drunk. I gotta go crawl and die.
I'll stop. Bastard doctors! You kind of made your job sound demonic, like you love cutting people, opening them up. Ya know, whatever. I'm sure you get a lot of pleasure out of helping people. I'm just talking bullshit. Mostly tired. Damnit I still need to go to the auto part store. Fucking car!