Converge - Jane Doe
Cranberry Juice + 2 bowls of Raspberries for lunch
I'm going to eat red stuff all day just to see what happens. Maybe it will look like i'm pissing blood! Wicked! I've always wanted to do that.
PS: Shit + Fan = Hit. I can't pick a side. Sorry it had to be this way.
Aaannnd....another one bites the dust.

For the third update: Red food did not give the desired results. Will attempt green tomorrow.
Update FOUR : hey it was 11 degrees all day and now it's snowing. I hate it here. This is just a weird day, in all senses.
shit + fan = shit everywhere! OMFG! AAAAHHH! IT IS SO SMELLY!
.. i'm in an odd mood. can you tell?