dont really know who reads blogs but i have to get a bit off my chest
sometimes i feel as if i am the last
last of all my friends and family to get married still hasn't happened for me
last to know she was leaving me for someone else
last to know she was already sleeping with someone weeks before she left
last to...
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sometimes i feel as if i am the last
last of all my friends and family to get married still hasn't happened for me
last to know she was leaving me for someone else
last to know she was already sleeping with someone weeks before she left
last to...
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i wonder what constitutes an active blog
you ever felt like life was a whirlpool and you were caught just inside it
unable to escape but not quite being sucked in?
unable to escape but not quite being sucked in?
me and mebbe more
also i think i want to get out of kansas city area
thinking of moving to pittsburg
thinking of moving to pittsburg
thanks so much!!

A stray thought was floating past the other day and for some reason i could not shake it.
i see many faces every day and in observing them, I see that each face houses many faces of it's own.
a face for friends or strangers, a face for bosses and a different face for co-workers or employees
a face for your dad and one for...
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i see many faces every day and in observing them, I see that each face houses many faces of it's own.
a face for friends or strangers, a face for bosses and a different face for co-workers or employees
a face for your dad and one for...
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first blog post ever so i was gonna be funny
happy Halloween everyone
was gonna dress up and go out but my favorite waitress stole my funky hair and skirt idea so i decided to dress as the scariest thing ever
how does one dress up like the u.s. government??
or a religious organization?
oh wait i know i can dress like a greedy i...
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happy Halloween everyone
was gonna dress up and go out but my favorite waitress stole my funky hair and skirt idea so i decided to dress as the scariest thing ever
how does one dress up like the u.s. government??
or a religious organization?
oh wait i know i can dress like a greedy i...
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Thank you so much for your comment on my set Hockey-girl!
thanks for the love on my set

You have not written anything in a long time, so hopefully, you now know that you are not