I am on Seattle... it was a calm road trip (even with two chicas and a cat in the backseat).
i havent done much since being here other than finish off things for my license in Colorado, grade the last of my papers, clean and apply for jobs. i need one so so bad.
i have three more paychecks coming from my teaching job, but they withheld money from me without warning two days before i left on the trip. it was to pay for classes, and i knew i owed it, but i would have rather had full checks until the last one, and have all of the money surrendered on that payperiod (basically, i wouldnt have had a check). but they took $575 out with out warning. This is about 1/3 of what i was making as a teacher (take home); it hurt. bad. and it all started because they never took the money out when i authorized them to. ugh.
anyway, i am here though. broke, but here with my fiancee and daughters and our three cats. crazy cool.
i havent done much since being here other than finish off things for my license in Colorado, grade the last of my papers, clean and apply for jobs. i need one so so bad.
i have three more paychecks coming from my teaching job, but they withheld money from me without warning two days before i left on the trip. it was to pay for classes, and i knew i owed it, but i would have rather had full checks until the last one, and have all of the money surrendered on that payperiod (basically, i wouldnt have had a check). but they took $575 out with out warning. This is about 1/3 of what i was making as a teacher (take home); it hurt. bad. and it all started because they never took the money out when i authorized them to. ugh.
anyway, i am here though. broke, but here with my fiancee and daughters and our three cats. crazy cool.
Welcome to Seattle!!!

kiss XOXO thanxxx