I managed to order or buy six books last Friday. I picked up a complete works of Dickenson and Neruda's "Las Piedras del Cielo". I ordered three books of Victor Herndandez Cruz' poetry, none of have come in though, as well as the orignal scroll of Kerouac's "On the road".
I am starting Hamlet in my Shakespeare class, and not sure what we will start in Mythology.
And I have actually been writing, like mad. I need to finish this Creative Writing class with a good portfolio. A fifteen page book of poetry, which isn't too bad, but this prof is GOOD and a perfectionist. He expects the best and is really pushing me.
And other than that, I really dont have much going on. I do know that I can't wait until Spring Break though...
I am starting Hamlet in my Shakespeare class, and not sure what we will start in Mythology.
And I have actually been writing, like mad. I need to finish this Creative Writing class with a good portfolio. A fifteen page book of poetry, which isn't too bad, but this prof is GOOD and a perfectionist. He expects the best and is really pushing me.
And other than that, I really dont have much going on. I do know that I can't wait until Spring Break though...
heya! i applied to a couple MFA programs in hopes of getting my masters in poetry. which means i'll be jobless after i'm done, but what can you do?
which programs are you considering?

I am not writing as much as I would like to be, but what are you going to do.