First of all, I got the best ever birthday gifts and letter from my Butterfly and I thank her VERY MUCH!! Love you.
here are some other random thoughts:
So today at work, I was listening to my IPOD and my new favorite thing Podcast. Anyway, this girl was talking about how someone lifted her pictures from another site and made a my space account using the name "Becky". For a moment there, I felt really sorry for the victim. Then I started to feel really sorry for "Becky" how horrible your life must be that you have to steal from another.
I have gone 48 hours without breaking down and digging into the past. You see I am an emotional pack rat and I have at times let those moments when I am really down to let the past just over take me. Well, on Friday evening I told my Irish that I was not going to mention anyone or anything from my past and was going to see how long I could do it. It has been 48 hours and if I had not mention the funky dream I had about my mother being arrested I would still be on my streek.
Please dont get me wrong, I dont have all horrible memories it just sometimes when I am sad, the negative ones seem so huge to me and I forget the positive ones.
For example the other day, I was thinking about the first time I went on a rollercoaster. I was 13 and for the most part of my life had been so scared of them I cried if I had to even get near the line. Then while visiting my cousins, we went to 6 Flags over the mid west and they took me on a rollercoaster called the Screaming Eagle.
Please note the first drop is 91 feet straight down... I loved it and I have not been afraid of rollercoasters since. Though as I get older I am not to hip on the toss you all around upside down coasters.
Well..... there is nothing more to say right now... I thank those of you who stop by and read my blog. Please post comments. I am very open minded and I have a very open heart.
here are some other random thoughts:
So today at work, I was listening to my IPOD and my new favorite thing Podcast. Anyway, this girl was talking about how someone lifted her pictures from another site and made a my space account using the name "Becky". For a moment there, I felt really sorry for the victim. Then I started to feel really sorry for "Becky" how horrible your life must be that you have to steal from another.
I have gone 48 hours without breaking down and digging into the past. You see I am an emotional pack rat and I have at times let those moments when I am really down to let the past just over take me. Well, on Friday evening I told my Irish that I was not going to mention anyone or anything from my past and was going to see how long I could do it. It has been 48 hours and if I had not mention the funky dream I had about my mother being arrested I would still be on my streek.
Please dont get me wrong, I dont have all horrible memories it just sometimes when I am sad, the negative ones seem so huge to me and I forget the positive ones.
For example the other day, I was thinking about the first time I went on a rollercoaster. I was 13 and for the most part of my life had been so scared of them I cried if I had to even get near the line. Then while visiting my cousins, we went to 6 Flags over the mid west and they took me on a rollercoaster called the Screaming Eagle.
Please note the first drop is 91 feet straight down... I loved it and I have not been afraid of rollercoasters since. Though as I get older I am not to hip on the toss you all around upside down coasters.
Well..... there is nothing more to say right now... I thank those of you who stop by and read my blog. Please post comments. I am very open minded and I have a very open heart.

I am glad you are thinking of me and breathing happiness. I love the way it envelops you. So glad you are enjoying it as well.
Thinking of you as I always do.
I just think that is so funny that we had the same idea of how to start our letters.
Thank you for the well wishes for Kathy. Her surgery went so well and she is recovering nicely.
Love you and can't wait for your letter.