A friend of mine sent this to me: Answer the questions and post in your journal.
1. My roommate and I once:Scared away a pizza man.
2. Never in my life have I: more in love with a single person as I am now.
3. The one person who can drive me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is: Irish
4. High school was: A lifetime ago
5. When I'm nervous: I get very shy and quiet
6. The last time I cried was: last Sunday after talking to my daughters
7. If I were to get married right now my bridesmaids/groomsmen would be: Very close friends just like when I got married the first time. Oh yea and my maid of honor would be my best friend of 25 years Ju Ju
9. My hair: drives me crazy - I am growing it out.
10. When I was 5: I was the biggest fan of Speed Racer Cartoons.
11. Last Christmas: I was really happy.
12. When I turn my head left: Two loads of laundry that I need to fold.
13. I should be: folding said laundry
14. When I look down I see: My laptop and a carpet I need to vaccume.
15. The craziest recent event was: Hanging out with friends and I flashed my boobs.
16. If I were a character on Friends I'd be: Phobee
17. By this time next year: I'll be working for a year at my new job.
18. My favorite Aunt is: watching over me she passed away after my daughter was born.
19. I have a hard time understanding: People who choose to have drama in their lives all the time.
20. One time at a family gathering: We played Scrupples and found out my sister would have an affair and not tell her husband
21. You know I "like" you if: (please note I have not answered this question because I dont know how to answer it)
22. If I won an award, the first person(people) I'd thank: Irish, my dad, and my kids.
23. Take my advice: You cant love another person until you love yourself
24. My ideal breakfast: coffee
25. If you visit my home town: Please dont tell my mother you know where I live
26. Sometime soon I plan to visit: Ireland
27. If you spend the night at my house: Just remember I am not a morning person. So dont speak to me for about 15 minutes in the morning.
28. I'd stop my wedding if: My mother showed up
29. The world could do without: People who lie or use people
30. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: be forced to make nice with someone who has betrayed us.
31. The most recent thing I've bought myself is: a new journal.
32. The most recent thing someone else bought for me is: my favorite ice cream
33. My favorite blonde is: Jenna Jameson
34. My favorite brunette is: Angelina Jolie
35. My car must have a sign on it that reads: Careful she is from California.
36. The last time I was drunk: I got so sick, I have not been drubk since.
37. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds: Bunnies
38. I shouldn't have been: such an easy target to people in the past
40. Last night I: watched all episodes of Big Love on Demand
41. There's this girl I know who: is the most talented writer I have ever met.
42: I dont know: how to roll my R's
43. A better name for me would be: Buffy
44. If I ever go back to school I'll: Computers as it is the wave of the future
45. How many days until my birthday?: A LOT
46. One dead celebrity I wish I'd met is: Bette Davis
47. I've lived at my current address since: October 2003.
48. I've been told I look like: Haley Mills
49. If I could have any car, it would be: A "woody"
50. If I got a new dog tomorrow, I would name it: Fang
1. My roommate and I once:Scared away a pizza man.
2. Never in my life have I: more in love with a single person as I am now.
3. The one person who can drive me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is: Irish
4. High school was: A lifetime ago
5. When I'm nervous: I get very shy and quiet
6. The last time I cried was: last Sunday after talking to my daughters
7. If I were to get married right now my bridesmaids/groomsmen would be: Very close friends just like when I got married the first time. Oh yea and my maid of honor would be my best friend of 25 years Ju Ju
9. My hair: drives me crazy - I am growing it out.
10. When I was 5: I was the biggest fan of Speed Racer Cartoons.
11. Last Christmas: I was really happy.
12. When I turn my head left: Two loads of laundry that I need to fold.
13. I should be: folding said laundry
14. When I look down I see: My laptop and a carpet I need to vaccume.
15. The craziest recent event was: Hanging out with friends and I flashed my boobs.
16. If I were a character on Friends I'd be: Phobee
17. By this time next year: I'll be working for a year at my new job.
18. My favorite Aunt is: watching over me she passed away after my daughter was born.
19. I have a hard time understanding: People who choose to have drama in their lives all the time.
20. One time at a family gathering: We played Scrupples and found out my sister would have an affair and not tell her husband
21. You know I "like" you if: (please note I have not answered this question because I dont know how to answer it)
22. If I won an award, the first person(people) I'd thank: Irish, my dad, and my kids.
23. Take my advice: You cant love another person until you love yourself
24. My ideal breakfast: coffee
25. If you visit my home town: Please dont tell my mother you know where I live
26. Sometime soon I plan to visit: Ireland
27. If you spend the night at my house: Just remember I am not a morning person. So dont speak to me for about 15 minutes in the morning.
28. I'd stop my wedding if: My mother showed up
29. The world could do without: People who lie or use people
30. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: be forced to make nice with someone who has betrayed us.
31. The most recent thing I've bought myself is: a new journal.
32. The most recent thing someone else bought for me is: my favorite ice cream
33. My favorite blonde is: Jenna Jameson
34. My favorite brunette is: Angelina Jolie
35. My car must have a sign on it that reads: Careful she is from California.
36. The last time I was drunk: I got so sick, I have not been drubk since.
37. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds: Bunnies
38. I shouldn't have been: such an easy target to people in the past
40. Last night I: watched all episodes of Big Love on Demand
41. There's this girl I know who: is the most talented writer I have ever met.
42: I dont know: how to roll my R's
43. A better name for me would be: Buffy
44. If I ever go back to school I'll: Computers as it is the wave of the future
45. How many days until my birthday?: A LOT
46. One dead celebrity I wish I'd met is: Bette Davis
47. I've lived at my current address since: October 2003.
48. I've been told I look like: Haley Mills
49. If I could have any car, it would be: A "woody"
50. If I got a new dog tomorrow, I would name it: Fang

Sorry you were not feeling well last night. I hope the meeting went well.
We are home watching movies and chilling...
oh yea.....
Hope your first day was GREAT!
[Edited on Mar 27, 2006 10:49AM]