I done did saw The Black Crowes in Chicago last weekend. The show was at an outdoor theater right off of Lake Michigan. It was by far the best outdoor show I've ever seen. It was a beautiful night with a nice breeze coming off the lake, there were Earth Mamas a-plenty strolling around, and my drunken ass only made a mild spectacle of myself. I love it when security doesn't politely, yet firmly, ask me to leave.
thanks for the love re: the grant! yup, it's my first one, and it does feel damn good to be paid for writing, especially for something as obscure and useless as poems! this was a cool one, because they just wanted a work sample, no resume or backstory on my accomplishments or anything. you should totally enter something like this. then when you need to flash your credentials, there they'll be!
write, dammit! no time like the present! (aka i'm the biggest hypocrite on the planet.)