So YES, today imma talk about something that`s been around my head for pretty much a while and i guess we all think about it from time to time: SEX
you see i`ve always been the kind of woman who likes and enjoys freely about it and i LIKE the fact of being sexual and i assume myself as a highly sexual being.
But i`ve seen thorughout time (and here comes the part that im pretty sure realtes us all) that as you assume this position and you stand up stating that you like sex and that this is who you are, most people tend to judge you and tag you as either a bitch or an easy-to fuck- kind of person.
Ignorance and gossip come both hand in hand as i see it in a world that explores sex in a very very superficial way
As i see it, sex is not just the act of receiving pleasure from someone else, it`s a deeper contactand im not talking exclusively about love, im talking about the whole intimous contact itself...
So i constantly wonder what is it that makes people think that benig sexual is wrong or it`s bad??
isnt it worse to be constantly judging sex, people who assume themselves freely in a "free world" and the lack of values when it comes to sex??
i GUESS that`s one of the things i love the most about SUICIDE GIRLS, that we`re all here for the same reason, expressing ourselves freely with no fears, cause in the end, what`s to fear?
as U2 said "im not afraid, of anything in this world"
it`s about time some people stop being scared of LIFE AND NATURE i believe...
you see i`ve always been the kind of woman who likes and enjoys freely about it and i LIKE the fact of being sexual and i assume myself as a highly sexual being.
But i`ve seen thorughout time (and here comes the part that im pretty sure realtes us all) that as you assume this position and you stand up stating that you like sex and that this is who you are, most people tend to judge you and tag you as either a bitch or an easy-to fuck- kind of person.
Ignorance and gossip come both hand in hand as i see it in a world that explores sex in a very very superficial way
As i see it, sex is not just the act of receiving pleasure from someone else, it`s a deeper contactand im not talking exclusively about love, im talking about the whole intimous contact itself...
So i constantly wonder what is it that makes people think that benig sexual is wrong or it`s bad??
isnt it worse to be constantly judging sex, people who assume themselves freely in a "free world" and the lack of values when it comes to sex??
i GUESS that`s one of the things i love the most about SUICIDE GIRLS, that we`re all here for the same reason, expressing ourselves freely with no fears, cause in the end, what`s to fear?
as U2 said "im not afraid, of anything in this world"
it`s about time some people stop being scared of LIFE AND NATURE i believe...

linda ponete sta de perfil que esta en el tamao justo.
Esperamos un ratito mas y a fines de noviembre hacemos otro pero ste tiene chance!