Today, i can say that i`m chillin and BACK from that great trip i had, went to buenos aires, but to a very very calm place, people were absolutely nice, didnt get too wasted which surprised me cause i love (who doesnt?) getting wasted in new cities, and i met a bunch of crazy people there, today im actually looking forward to shooting a new set, pretty different from what i`ve done before, even though i have to admit i love my new set, it`s so colorful, which is a lot like me, im a very positive, fun loving colorful person but maybe next time imma show a little bit of my dark side...what you can only get to see behind doors
in the meantime im thinking about this set, and how positive people are bing with it, which makes me feel extremely happy, i dunno what your favorite pic is, but im gonna post which is mine

in the meantime im thinking about this set, and how positive people are bing with it, which makes me feel extremely happy, i dunno what your favorite pic is, but im gonna post which is mine

I agree, that is a great picture. Honestly, though, I can't pick out a favorite because I love them all! It's awesome that you had so much fun on your trip and met some very cool people along the way! I look forward to hearing from you anytime you feel like writing and you can tell me more about your trip or about anything else you'd like to talk about 

Thank you so much!