Well I now hate my life, my flight to Sydney has been cancelled :-( I was so looking forward to going and seeing a girl I am actually interested in unlike all the other girls I currently get with so here I am, at Melbourne airport hoping fucking hoping that I can get on the flight that leaves at like 6.20am tomorrow but knowing that it wont run.
Every time I actually try to get a girl I like the gods themselves seem to interfere and just fuck me over time and time again. And ppl wonder y I am turning into a bastard lol fuck life itself!!!

Every time I actually try to get a girl I like the gods themselves seem to interfere and just fuck me over time and time again. And ppl wonder y I am turning into a bastard lol fuck life itself!!!

Finding someone else is never easy darlin', best of luck to ya. If she's worth it (hope she is), it'll work out.
If you ever want to travel when in Sydney, i'm only 45 minutes (roughly) north. Vinyard country (ton's of pubs, for the drinking
) I'd love to meet people off this site because finding open people is fucking hard 
. Who do us freaks have but each other eh? 
's Sugah