Another weekend gone and more stupidity to add to my list of things I have done lol
Thurs: Started harmless enough wasn't going to go out but got caught talking to a mate and missed the last tram out of the city so had no choice but to stay in the city which meant GOING OUT!!! Unlike last week i didn't come out of this with scars but I did manage to get my mate a girl for the night.... which would of been great cept he had been drinking for 8 hours already and I think got bored and just walked away from her
i swear i nearly died lol
Fri: This was just a shit night at work where we had to evict retards from the hostel...
Sat: Managed to be very nice to quite a number of girls this night and some of them even tried to stay around until I knocked off at 3 but most didn't make it =( but the highlight of that night was talking to a guy and a girl about my muscles apparently (they are cousins) and then when they left I got both their numbers
wtf? lol in the end talked to a mate of mine for a few more hours then passed out
Sun: Got woken up to go to a house party where I drank maybe a bit too much then when I finally got to work that night I felt like shit, showered and went straight to work. LONGEST NIGHT IN MY LIFE!!!! When it finally ended I had the worst headache and just wanted to sleep forever =D
Monday today and my weekend is within grasp only 1 more night then I can finally have some relaxing days to myself
Thurs: Started harmless enough wasn't going to go out but got caught talking to a mate and missed the last tram out of the city so had no choice but to stay in the city which meant GOING OUT!!! Unlike last week i didn't come out of this with scars but I did manage to get my mate a girl for the night.... which would of been great cept he had been drinking for 8 hours already and I think got bored and just walked away from her

Fri: This was just a shit night at work where we had to evict retards from the hostel...
Sat: Managed to be very nice to quite a number of girls this night and some of them even tried to stay around until I knocked off at 3 but most didn't make it =( but the highlight of that night was talking to a guy and a girl about my muscles apparently (they are cousins) and then when they left I got both their numbers

Sun: Got woken up to go to a house party where I drank maybe a bit too much then when I finally got to work that night I felt like shit, showered and went straight to work. LONGEST NIGHT IN MY LIFE!!!! When it finally ended I had the worst headache and just wanted to sleep forever =D
Monday today and my weekend is within grasp only 1 more night then I can finally have some relaxing days to myself

unfortunately i know the exford well, damn i used to work around the corner when wah wahs was twofloorsup, exford was the only place that would let us in at like 9 in the morning off our tits, so funny!ill have to pop in for a pint.

hahah its your fault you feel like crap
I don't drink so much these days medications and all that crap but if I'm ever in Melbourne, definitely look you up sugah