I am at work right now bored outta my mind. So I'm writing this.
So I have bad news and good news. Bad news is Eureka_ isn't coming out next month, but the good news is that it is because she's trying to work things out with the hubby. So I wish her luck!
Other then that things are good. I just did my hair. I put a platinum streak in my bangs. Kind of a bride of frankenstein thing. I get bored. Have to change it up. I will post a pic soon.
I know I've been slacking lately with the pictures but between going to school 9-12 and working 2-8 and then homework not a lot of time. I will try to take some soon.
P.S. I'm gonna get some tonight.

So I have bad news and good news. Bad news is Eureka_ isn't coming out next month, but the good news is that it is because she's trying to work things out with the hubby. So I wish her luck!
Other then that things are good. I just did my hair. I put a platinum streak in my bangs. Kind of a bride of frankenstein thing. I get bored. Have to change it up. I will post a pic soon.
I know I've been slacking lately with the pictures but between going to school 9-12 and working 2-8 and then homework not a lot of time. I will try to take some soon.
P.S. I'm gonna get some tonight.

Isn't looking forward to IT delicious????

Leave them asking for more...