Last night was amazing! Monica and I went to see mikey_dough play at Milestones in Rochester. He defintely made us become instant fans. We really enjoyed the live show. He was really nice, he put us on the guestlist and hung out with us backstage afterwards. He also gave us one of his new cds which everyone should check out. BUY HAUGHTY MELODIC!!!
Mike Doughty Official Store
We really enjoyed the cd! So will you! I wish him luck on the rest of his tour!
On a totally seperate and random note! The backstage area at Milestones brought back some bad memories for me. I had flashbacks of when my old band played there with Sugarcult
and they totally were assholes to us! They took over the whole backstage area and I needed somewhere to change my strings. I couldn't sit down anywhere, so I did on the floor, where hippies were dancing last night.
They didn't even watch us play and we brought half the people there for them. No one really knew who the hell they were at that time. We went up to say nice show at the end and they didn't even know who we were. None of them watched us. They are the greatest band ever!!!
Monica and I took Stella and Sierra to the Vet today. The Vet told us we are feeding them too much! We did know we were overfeeding them. We thought they were just heifers. So we now have to take away feeding them spinach and carrots everyday! They are not going to be happy campers!
They also recieved shots to give them vitamin c and the first of four treatments for mange. They did not like the shots at all! They both screamed! Stella was the loudess scream I have ever heard! I didn't think a noise like that could come out of something so small! I need to watch to see if they stop itching themselves so much. Then we will know if the shot worked. They have to go back in 10 days and get the second shot for mange!
But I am going to stop now.
Mike Doughty Official Store
We really enjoyed the cd! So will you! I wish him luck on the rest of his tour!
On a totally seperate and random note! The backstage area at Milestones brought back some bad memories for me. I had flashbacks of when my old band played there with Sugarcult

Monica and I took Stella and Sierra to the Vet today. The Vet told us we are feeding them too much! We did know we were overfeeding them. We thought they were just heifers. So we now have to take away feeding them spinach and carrots everyday! They are not going to be happy campers!

But I am going to stop now.
Vaggy vag vagging vaggy vaggerton vaggicide vaggers! VAG!

PIGGIES! i love the piggies! i want more piggies! i had some when i lived with my parents a long time ago. i hope to get one soon!