I really wish a certain someone was here with me right now! I miss her so much and I just saw her like Friday! But I will see her Tuesday! I cannot wait!! I don't really have much to say!
[15 Dec 2004|12:24am]
[ mood | sick and sleepy ]
[ music | jesus and mary chain - just like honey ]
i've come down with a cold/sinus thingy. it makes my nape peircing act up, weird as that sounds.
tonight (your name here) and i had a tickle war. we're both wearing different q and not u shirts. we kissed eachothers eyelids and watched lost in translation till we fell asleep. and here we are...
[ mood | sick and sleepy ]
[ music | jesus and mary chain - just like honey ]
i've come down with a cold/sinus thingy. it makes my nape peircing act up, weird as that sounds.
tonight (your name here) and i had a tickle war. we're both wearing different q and not u shirts. we kissed eachothers eyelids and watched lost in translation till we fell asleep. and here we are...
[Edited on Mar 23, 2005 2:24PM]