i keep having really wierd dreams. I wonder if its because i think of wierd things before i sleep?
Last night i fell asleep debating with myself about how netflix picks who gets to get what dvds first. If 100 people pick the same movie.. hows it done? First come first serve? alphabetical order? One time i picked a movie and put it on my first movie place.. and it took almost a month to get. But i picked it a couple weeks before it was released. So does that mean people picked it and didnt return it? Did they do it alphabetically and my name is far down on the list? or did i click the button a fraction of a second after 200 other people? haha..
So I dreampt about my friend, tim. Havent seen him i nages.. since the rambo show in boston. I forget what we were doing.. but it was really important. I wonder what dreams about self importance signify? Im a pompous bitch? ha.. anyway. Johnny was also in my dream and he didnt lock my doors.. I was all agitated at him. ha..
So! today i set up appintments for my mother and myself to fling ourselves from airplanes. Itll be really fun
she wants us to go hanggliding later in the summer too.. at lake george in ny. She said shes scared to do it over the ocean because she heard that if you hang glide over the ocean you can see giant shapes of whales or sharks ect.. adn that you cant relax and enjoy the heights because you're wondering if youll fall in and be devoured. Honestly Id rather not die right now.. but if I fell from a hang glider and was eaten by a killer whale.. I think It would be a good death. Im terrified of dying a car. I mean.. how pointless? Driving to pay a bill or pick up groceries.. what a pointless reason. My mom would be crying in my coffin "Did you really need that butter!" .. It just feels empty. But if you die from a hang glider.. well, youre doign something amazing and fun.. you'er living life to the fullest. so its a little better haha...
How would you want to die? Quietley in bed? Driving down the highway, kileld by a drunk driver? run over on your bike? of cancer? ... What would you choose?????
Last night i fell asleep debating with myself about how netflix picks who gets to get what dvds first. If 100 people pick the same movie.. hows it done? First come first serve? alphabetical order? One time i picked a movie and put it on my first movie place.. and it took almost a month to get. But i picked it a couple weeks before it was released. So does that mean people picked it and didnt return it? Did they do it alphabetically and my name is far down on the list? or did i click the button a fraction of a second after 200 other people? haha..
So I dreampt about my friend, tim. Havent seen him i nages.. since the rambo show in boston. I forget what we were doing.. but it was really important. I wonder what dreams about self importance signify? Im a pompous bitch? ha.. anyway. Johnny was also in my dream and he didnt lock my doors.. I was all agitated at him. ha..
So! today i set up appintments for my mother and myself to fling ourselves from airplanes. Itll be really fun

How would you want to die? Quietley in bed? Driving down the highway, kileld by a drunk driver? run over on your bike? of cancer? ... What would you choose?????
Your right it is really hard to help people when you have to worry about ones own bills. I think thats the only reason I would want to be filthy rich is so I could focus my time, energey and money on fixing the world. People with allot of money really sort of get me angry because I know they are more worried about saving more money on there taxes then helping people.
I think id prefer to die in a hail of gunfire