I feel like painting but all of my supplies are at work, locked up. Lame. I'm certain that If I went and retrieved them, Id be over it anyhow. Maybe I'll have time to paint tomorrow. I have an appointment in the morning, but then the day is free.
Yeah. SO! This morning I ate a bagel. Then I went with Friday and Matt to Ihop. I drank tea. It wasn'tthat impressive. These are possibly the worst two days off Iv'e had in forever. Nothing really to do. I should be hiking or outside riding my bike.. anything. But my bike's in storage. Which sucks. And my car is a turd lump crap pile. So, I can'treally drive the distance to anywhere good enough to hike or beach. So.. I guess I could be a townie and sit on a bench and read.. But there arent any fans on teh bench.. and my pearly white skin might get a sun burn. So.. Im lazy I guess.
Friday has to bring her car to the shop to get fixed.. So Maybe I'll go with her. I wonder if the rental is big enough for a bike? haha.. I should also go and pick up my banners.. Because the old shop is using my art on thier website and my banners and my shit to promote themselves. All I have to say about that.. Is that ITs inappropriate to use other people's tattoo art to promote an artist who not only hasn't doen those pieces, but also doesn't share the same style. Plus, I spent money and tiem and effort on those things. And Its not really awesome to have other people benifit from havign done no work or put in no effort.
Anyway. My dog is super cute. Yesteray we brought her to the beach. She adores the water. Matt and Fridayand I all ran around and she dove under the waves and tried to catch rocks. She Loves swimming. She kept acting liek she wanted us to go in the water with her.. but it was too chilly. I think matt went in, up to his waist.
Yeah. SO! This morning I ate a bagel. Then I went with Friday and Matt to Ihop. I drank tea. It wasn'tthat impressive. These are possibly the worst two days off Iv'e had in forever. Nothing really to do. I should be hiking or outside riding my bike.. anything. But my bike's in storage. Which sucks. And my car is a turd lump crap pile. So, I can'treally drive the distance to anywhere good enough to hike or beach. So.. I guess I could be a townie and sit on a bench and read.. But there arent any fans on teh bench.. and my pearly white skin might get a sun burn. So.. Im lazy I guess.
Friday has to bring her car to the shop to get fixed.. So Maybe I'll go with her. I wonder if the rental is big enough for a bike? haha.. I should also go and pick up my banners.. Because the old shop is using my art on thier website and my banners and my shit to promote themselves. All I have to say about that.. Is that ITs inappropriate to use other people's tattoo art to promote an artist who not only hasn't doen those pieces, but also doesn't share the same style. Plus, I spent money and tiem and effort on those things. And Its not really awesome to have other people benifit from havign done no work or put in no effort.
Anyway. My dog is super cute. Yesteray we brought her to the beach. She adores the water. Matt and Fridayand I all ran around and she dove under the waves and tried to catch rocks. She Loves swimming. She kept acting liek she wanted us to go in the water with her.. but it was too chilly. I think matt went in, up to his waist.
OOoh, I wanna see the puppy.
i just wanted to let you in on this fun fact...remember that tarot card you were talking about that i had with the men and the door? well i was thinking about it yesterday and i realized how since last tuesday i have done nothing but bang into doors. car doors, house doors, any doors. i even have bruises on my arms from doing such. maybe the universe is trying to tell me something about doors...hmmmm. whats your opinion>