I was listening to a song the other day.. that reminded me of an old friend.. we had lost touch. It made me sad.. I think about him a lot.. and wonder what he's doing. Wish things had gone differently.. Wish we had kept in touch. But.. Im not good at friendships from afar.. And Im too stubborn to comprimise sometiems. And Only later.. when i've lost something, do i reget it. Anyway.. I was thinking about how the decay of our friendship was really sad.. and then he wrote me a message. I seriously felt like crying. Ha.. how dorky is that. We wrote a few back and forth. Maybe we are friends again. It would mean a lot to me..
I hope things work out and this time.. I think Ill appreciate the friendship we share.. instead of takign it for granted.
I hope things work out and this time.. I think Ill appreciate the friendship we share.. instead of takign it for granted.
my ex from about two years ago drew the album cover for the CD. I started dating him after my ex-friance and I split after six years. He got a pretty bad deal. He was an awesome guy, very sweet. So alas, I haven't seen Erik Play in just about that long.
I actually had the black star outlines on my chest done by Anna Paige. I also went there to have my earlobes stretched. After I stretched them myself to a 0 I couldn't get them to successful stretch to a 00. I went there and Luis did it for me. Then I went back and had him stretch up... we were using pyrex because I was stretching five months or so and I didn't want to invest in stainless and I had reactions to the Acrylic stuff. Something happen and my ear pushed the plub out right after he'd stretched it. Within a few days I got an insane infection and they completely closed.
I hope you enjoyed my whole life story.
I have a book called sexual positions for every day of the year. The funniest one is called The Ikea Sale.