From owly

Hey, sweetie, thanks for following to my page πŸ˜˜πŸ’—. I have been inactive for few years( I wrote post about all, what happened to me). I'm back with NEW set, it goes up on this weekend! Hope You will like it ^__^

From rhody


Thank you for all the love!

Always!! You left me little for B/W's but wanted to pick a couple I liked. Hope you don't mind.
Not at all 😻

From akari


Thanks for the follow and all the love on my photosets!!!! I'm so grateful! 😍😍😍

From arsenic


Thank you so much for the love you left on my newest set! I really appreciate it, and I really love your black and whites.πŸ’—They're so elegant and gorgeous!πŸ’—πŸ’—

I can't inf B/w's of you for my thread! Take care!
I only posted the one, I don't shoot in that style often, but I definitely want to.☺️ Thanks Lovie!

From akireryu


Hi, sweetheart! 😘Thank you very much for starting to follow me ... and I also follow ...πŸ’‹πŸ“πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ™Œ


Sorry for all the love I just gave in the B&W thread!! I just couldn't help myself once I started!! So many stunning photos!!