Wooo! I made my Carnifex
Well almost.
I've been saving him since my Birthday - This is the first model I ever got excited about (even though I then went on to collect a Chaos army - and then Witch-Hunters) - and Andy gave me one for my 23rd. I'd been saving starting it until I had some idea what to do with it as I have no other Nids atm. Anyway - It's going to be a sub-aquatic tyranid army (if there are ever enough to count as an army) - the fex (by the time I finish green-stuffing tomorrow) will have webbed feet, a shark-like tail and dorsal fin, gills, pincers, and the carapace (with spore cysts) will look like it's part of a coral reef. Having just crawled out of the sea, the base will be sand, shingles and shells with a lil' bit of water... Yay!
Hoping to get a few early pics up tomorrow
In other news I realised my hair is now long enough to put in Dread Falls. I've had the dreads for ages but hated having to braid them in. Plus they won't exactly help me find a job. Again I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Edit: Well it's been about 20 minutes since that post. I never said I was patient. Here are some pics: Note that the tail and fin are integral parts to be added. Here goes:

I've been saving him since my Birthday - This is the first model I ever got excited about (even though I then went on to collect a Chaos army - and then Witch-Hunters) - and Andy gave me one for my 23rd. I'd been saving starting it until I had some idea what to do with it as I have no other Nids atm. Anyway - It's going to be a sub-aquatic tyranid army (if there are ever enough to count as an army) - the fex (by the time I finish green-stuffing tomorrow) will have webbed feet, a shark-like tail and dorsal fin, gills, pincers, and the carapace (with spore cysts) will look like it's part of a coral reef. Having just crawled out of the sea, the base will be sand, shingles and shells with a lil' bit of water... Yay!
Hoping to get a few early pics up tomorrow

In other news I realised my hair is now long enough to put in Dread Falls. I've had the dreads for ages but hated having to braid them in. Plus they won't exactly help me find a job. Again I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Edit: Well it's been about 20 minutes since that post. I never said I was patient. Here are some pics: Note that the tail and fin are integral parts to be added. Here goes:

That figure's looking cool too, used to paint 'em myself but can't find the time nowadays.
Yeah I heard that too, I heard he was annoyed about having to say eggy in basket, its suposed to be egg in a baskey but to make it more british they made it "eggy"....lame!!