Work pays well but I feel so unfulfilled (sp?) work-wise at the moment. My family and friends are great... Andy is fantastic but I almost regret having been to uni now. I went with the hope of doing something worthwhile when I finished, but by the time that I have cleared enough of my debt (from Uni) to be able to get a job like... Read More
Festival time has been and gone, now i'm on the train heading to work. Work is a long way. Over an hour each way, which means i might find a little more time to read or even write blogs! I just moved to a contract phone and found out i can get internet on my phone woooo. All this might stop, mind, when i get... Read More
Carriage Return is essential...! plus they should make an ellipsis character... i'm always wasting room with dots ...... more smileys would be good too... or if you could make your own ones..
Wow! For once I have stuff that's actually worth blogging about. Although I'd like to tell you all that this is a pattern I intend to continue, alas, I'm quite sure that if I did I'd be fibbing.
I have a job! Wooo! And not only a job but one that pays money! 23k before bonuses which is 2k above what they normally offer graduates.... Read More
And I was about to take over the World... I already had Europe... then WHOOOOOOOOSH! I caught the board with my skirt and the Earth was destroyed. Strangely, also reformed into a strange cube shape. So much for my first game of Risk.
Yes I did indeed notice that!!! I'm sure it'll come to play in the next film! Hope you find some work soon and so you can move out, its a tough situation, been there its not cool !
"I'll put the stuff (my flesh) back under (my skin) now" - words I think will remain with me for all time. I had my implanon (contraceptive) implant removed this morning. There have been recent studies suggesting that it increases insulin resistance (which I already have) in women with PCOS (which I also have). Besides, I think my body deserves to be free of artificial... Read More
Bit stressed atm... in the middle of my final exams. Got a call from an agency on fri saying they wanted to put me forward for an interview on monday (today). The interview went pretty well and got a call back from the agency saying that I'd been shorlisted, along with 2 other candidates for 2 positions and that the two that accepted the lowest... Read More
Going to Reading Festival... Going to Reading Festival...
Queued up from 7:30am at the Reading Tourism Office and had a ticket in my hand at 10:30 so all is good now.
It's still really frustrating though that the main batch of tickets went within an hour of going on sale on Monday. Especially when so many appeared on Ebay at about 350 - 400 half... Read More
I've been saving him since my Birthday - This is the first model I ever got excited about (even though I then went on to collect a Chaos army - and then Witch-Hunters) - and Andy gave me one for my 23rd. I'd been saving starting it until I had some idea what to do with it as... Read More
Holy shit just looked at the pic of your 'tat in progress'!! It looks fucking awesome. Are you gonna post updates when more gets done? I'd love to see it develop.
That figure's looking cool too, used to paint 'em myself but can't find the time nowadays.
Yeah same here I was sooo happy when i heard american gothic was gonna come out - it's well worth getting even for some mid ninties nostalgia!!!
Yeah I heard that too, I heard he was annoyed about having to say eggy in basket, its suposed to be egg in a baskey but to make it more british they made it "eggy"....lame!!
Hey dont regret going to uni, even if things seem dull at work, you just have to find your thing! Just keep learning, that what I do!