i drove to westwood and she asked if i minded walking in the rain. portland style, no umbrella. we walked to native foods. arrived dripping. purple hair dye and no make up. we have the same horrible parent. we're both scared but for different reasons. she barely ate and it was cold inside. so we walked back and dripped more. soaking, she invited me inside to dry off. we sat on the floor and read lyrics to her favorite songs. we ate cheesecake and tried to figure each other out. the night was so not LA. the night was something i thought was so far away. she is waterproof. she is my proof. she stayed up too late for me and i drove too far for her but i hope to do it again and again and again.
I have loaded up on Echinacea, Ginseng, Garlic and Royal Jelly. Also Lavender oil. My sore throat doesn't have a fightin' chance!
I opened a bottle of tonic water near my computer and it had gotten shakin' up somehow, long story short, my damn keys on my keyboard are sticking!!!
i'm willing to grant the walkmen amnesty after that show. i think it was just an off night for them, the sound guys really messed up i think, because the bassline, organ and piano were completley drowned out, and i think the band new something was wrong on their monitors because they repeatedly asked for the sound to be turned up. (unfortunantley that just make the guitars louder and piano/organ/bass more faint) and breakign strings on their guitars, i guess thats not really their fault. it was dissapointing nonetheless.
oh, and the new liars album got a flat F in SPIN, i've never seen an album get an f, thats definenetly a first.