One of the most beautiful pictures I've seen in a good while. If you haven't seen Alexsandria's set, shot by Sureality, then you're missing out on one of the VERY BEST sets to hit this site so far. It's amazing.
So...exciting news...I finally have A/C!!! Owww!!! And with the heatwave that currently has New York by the balls, it's a very good thing...Rehearsals are going along swimmingly...We open next weekend, so get your tickets now!. Details are above in my "about me" section.

The shot film I'm writing and directing now has a name! It's called, "SURRENDER," and will be part of a feature lengh "Horror" themed film that should be premiering around Halloween in the NYC area. And now that I've cast my leading man, I've got to get that leading gal. Oh, the search is on...
So...sidenote. I was at fast food joint the other day (yes, it was a last resort...I was traveling and sooooo hungry - I hadn't eaten all day- and it was the only thing around this crap section of Queens) and I got the most ridiculously bad service ever. I walk up to the counter. No one else is in line. The manager and two employees are talking. They see me and continue talking. The manager makes fun of the employee and says, "Now, go, you've got a customer.." Then the employee yells, "I told you! Not in front of the customers!" and they start hitting each other and playfully fighting. For sixty seconds. I literally couldn't turn away because I was transfixed on how absolutely rude they were being. It was an asshole's shinning moment, I believe. I'm just glad I was there to see it...Thank God for fast food service in New York. Thank God...

*works on getting better*
haha you rule. best idea EVER!!! too bad it'll be like, #5 on my list of ideas.