Well, I've had this account for a few months now, so I figure I should make use of this spiffy thing. I'll basically just put the same thing I put in my livejournal here.
So, I've been writing alot lately for some reason. And going through stuff I've written in the past and revising it. Here's some of what I've done recently.
"Drop the knee to the punchline
Surrender to apathetic non-existence
Entropy runs it course
You're spit out the other end
Entrails receeding
Recieving emissions from a higher power
The future is brighter when viewed through the eyes
Of a hanging god
Scrawling your heartsblood on a wall
Stream of concienciousness
Interuped by tomorrow
Never ask favors
Of a man with crooked teeth."
"I'm on a scarecrow watch
For a cannibal queen
Carved out the eyes
For the Screwdriver girls
But the scarecrow queen
Has left her throne
To the nicotine princess
And my heart is skewered
On the draconian spires
Of your imagination
After too much whiskey
Too many pills
And not enough sleep
I'm left dried out
Evicerated and wasted
A scarecrow king
If you will be
My screwdriver queen."
So, I've been writing alot lately for some reason. And going through stuff I've written in the past and revising it. Here's some of what I've done recently.
"Drop the knee to the punchline
Surrender to apathetic non-existence
Entropy runs it course
You're spit out the other end
Entrails receeding
Recieving emissions from a higher power
The future is brighter when viewed through the eyes
Of a hanging god
Scrawling your heartsblood on a wall
Stream of concienciousness
Interuped by tomorrow
Never ask favors
Of a man with crooked teeth."
"I'm on a scarecrow watch
For a cannibal queen
Carved out the eyes
For the Screwdriver girls
But the scarecrow queen
Has left her throne
To the nicotine princess
And my heart is skewered
On the draconian spires
Of your imagination
After too much whiskey
Too many pills
And not enough sleep
I'm left dried out
Evicerated and wasted
A scarecrow king
If you will be
My screwdriver queen."
its about time.