+------------- Bizarre National Superstitions -------------+
In Iceland, an unmarried person who sits at the corner of a
table won't marry for seven years. A pregnant woman who
drinks from a cracked cup risks having a baby with a hare-
In Japan, picking up a comb with its teeth facing your body
brings bad luck.
In Malta, churches with two towers are fitted with a clock
face in each but the two clocks always tell different times
to confuse the Devil about the time of the service.
In Nigeria, a man hit with a broom becomes impotent unless
he retaliates seven times with the same broom. Sweeping a
house at night brings misfortune to the occupants.
In Poland, bringing lilac into the house is a sure sign of
impending death.
In Scotland, red and green should never be worn together. It
is unlucky to throw vegetables on to the fire and to carry a
spade through the house. This means that a grave will soon
be dug. And three swans flying together means a national
disaster is imminent.
In Holland, people with red hair bring bad luck.
In China, sweeping out a house removes all the good luck,
especially on Chinese New Year.
New stuff on Monster Genocide!
I remastered and re edited episode 1. I don't think it's up yet but when it is down load it or listen to it with a click. It's much better. Plus I put new music on it!
I'm going to re master episode 2 then put episode 3 up for everyone whos been waiting for the chapter to continue.
You can also click on the link to the Monster Forum and sign up as a memeber for free! WHen we change the site into the Role playing forum you'll be able to crate your own character and buy clothing weapons and armor for it! Fight monsters or bully your friends!
In Iceland, an unmarried person who sits at the corner of a
table won't marry for seven years. A pregnant woman who
drinks from a cracked cup risks having a baby with a hare-
In Japan, picking up a comb with its teeth facing your body
brings bad luck.
In Malta, churches with two towers are fitted with a clock
face in each but the two clocks always tell different times
to confuse the Devil about the time of the service.
In Nigeria, a man hit with a broom becomes impotent unless
he retaliates seven times with the same broom. Sweeping a
house at night brings misfortune to the occupants.
In Poland, bringing lilac into the house is a sure sign of
impending death.
In Scotland, red and green should never be worn together. It
is unlucky to throw vegetables on to the fire and to carry a
spade through the house. This means that a grave will soon
be dug. And three swans flying together means a national
disaster is imminent.
In Holland, people with red hair bring bad luck.
In China, sweeping out a house removes all the good luck,
especially on Chinese New Year.
New stuff on Monster Genocide!
I remastered and re edited episode 1. I don't think it's up yet but when it is down load it or listen to it with a click. It's much better. Plus I put new music on it!
I'm going to re master episode 2 then put episode 3 up for everyone whos been waiting for the chapter to continue.
You can also click on the link to the Monster Forum and sign up as a memeber for free! WHen we change the site into the Role playing forum you'll be able to crate your own character and buy clothing weapons and armor for it! Fight monsters or bully your friends!
Sorry haven't been in touch, it's been a crazy week. Daycare crisis, been sick, someone freakin shot at my sister while she was on recess duty in denver, hit two of the other teachers (no one fatal) she's a nervous wreck, and gabe's godmother just got home!
I so need a nap
I've been getting into trouble....I'm such a bad girl....
Glad to see things are well for you and your website. The superstitions are weird but that's cool....