I was invited to a pirate fest/shindig thingie. I was considering going until I found out about the roasted pig. Fucking gross. Pigs are incredibly loyal, intelligent animals, wonderful animals who unfortunately live miserable lives and have agonizing deaths, just so some fatso can stuff their face. I can't even be friends with people who eat pork. Sometimes I argue with people in Dunkin Donuts who are ordering bacon. My roommate tells me to keep quiet, but when you really believe in something, you have to let it out.
There is a pig sanctuary in Md called Hog Heaven. Would anyone like to go with me?
<3 <3
There is a pig sanctuary in Md called Hog Heaven. Would anyone like to go with me?
<3 <3
And 11 is fine with me, I'm heading down to DC for the weekend later that way so earlier = better, even if it means getting up.