A little boy I used to work with died early this morning. He died in a fire. He was so sweet and so smart. He worked so hard and made so much progress. I keep hearing his little voice in my head. I hope he was asleep when it happened.
I'm sorry to hear that. If you need to talk, gimme a call.
I think that before we are born into this life that we decide how long we are going to stay and why. Then we go back to God and decide if we want to come back again. Knowing that doesn't make it hurt any less but it helps me understand what is going on. I lost my uncle this year. My cousin is a few years younger than me and it devestated her. My other cousin who was also my uncle's child has a 4year old. My uncle was his best friend and spent all of his free time helping to raise him. He barely understands where Poppa went. The strange thing is the day of the funeral my sister found out she was just a week pregnant. Now we know she's having a boy. My counsin used some of the settlement money from his father's death to buy my sister everything on her baby reistry at babies r us. Life seems to be a constant double edged sword. I try to not let the shadows stop me from enjoying the sunshine. Seems this is one of the challenges of being alive.