Let's see... what's been going on since last I wrote?

There was the Boston Marathon bombing. The suspect was caught in Watertown, about 10 minutes drive from my house. We were in one of the lock down cities, so we weren't supposed to leave the house. Whee!

Just got back from a week in San Francisco, which was fun as always. I was there for...
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thanks for the comment sweety <3 mil besos for you
Thanks for the well-wishes on the home! And damn, that's a lotta mulah for a 3 bedroom.
huh. my first time here in a couple of weeks and i see that bob is archiving herself. yet another reason to not bother to renew in the fall!
I've been watching Spike's Ink Master on demand. Is it just me or are these artists pretty much all terrible?

I just saw the pinup episode with Darenzia. Those were some of the worst pinup portraits ever! Ugh. There were a couple that were almost OK, but I'd have been mad about all of them.
The Hobbit was pretty exciting, I enjoyed it.
Can't say I've seen this ink masters before. Doesn't seem like I'm missing much, I already have my own fair share of bad tattoos.
It's that time of year again: Account renewal. Do I re-up for another year? I only spend maybe an hour or two a week here. Is it worth it? Hmmm....
Great costume
another day, another blog!

i started a new job today, and with that came a new laptop. i've spent most of the day today setting it up. it's odd going from a 13" macbook air to a 15" pro. it's nice having more power, but it feels HUGE!

Thanks smile Good luck on the job! biggrin
Hello there sg!

What's happened since last I wrote?

We went to star wars celebration vi in Orlando. First vacation without the baby!

Speaking of babies... She is approaching 8 months. She crawls. She eats more and more foods. She's amazing!

My job imploded. I didn't get cut, but 60% of the place did. I've got a new job starting next Tuesday. My last day...
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Sad: Looking at all the pictures from SDCC and wishing I had been there.

Happy: Star Wars Celebration VI is just over a month away!!

Happy: Going to Pino Bros. Ink on Tuesday of next week for the consult for my next tattoo!

Happy > Sad!