Last night I went to see Radiohead... I went with my friends and we had some good ol beers in the parking lot, missed out on Grizzly Bear, not to disappointed since I saw them before in a smaller venue and they were just alright. But Radiohead was quite good, not amazing but their light show was amazing, just not the set they played. Here is their set...
01. 15 Step
02. There There
03. Morning Bell
04. All I Need
05. The National Anthem
06. Videotape
07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
08. The Gloaming
09. Where I End And You Begin
10. Faust Arp
11. No Surprises
12. Jigsaw
13. The Bends
14. Idioteque
15. Climbing Up The Walls
16. Nude
17. Bodysnatchers
Encore 1
18. House of Cards
19. Lucky
20. Go Slowly
21. Just
22. Street Spirit
Encore 2
23. Reckoner
24. Planet Telex
25. Everything In Its Right Place
No Fake Plastic Trees, no Black Star, no High and Dry and Karma Police.
Oh well, I guess for not seeing them for 10 yrs I should have expected newer stuff.
Well Thursday night is going to be much fun... I am seeing
Brutal Truth
Pig Destroyer
@ the First Unitarian Church
This show will be probably the metal show of the year for me! I have always wanted to see Brutal Truth! I can see them and with one of my favorite metal bands... Pig Destroyer! If you are in philly and like metal, don't fuckin miss this show!!!
01. 15 Step
02. There There
03. Morning Bell
04. All I Need
05. The National Anthem
06. Videotape
07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
08. The Gloaming
09. Where I End And You Begin
10. Faust Arp
11. No Surprises
12. Jigsaw
13. The Bends
14. Idioteque
15. Climbing Up The Walls
16. Nude
17. Bodysnatchers
Encore 1
18. House of Cards
19. Lucky
20. Go Slowly
21. Just
22. Street Spirit
Encore 2
23. Reckoner
24. Planet Telex
25. Everything In Its Right Place
No Fake Plastic Trees, no Black Star, no High and Dry and Karma Police.
Oh well, I guess for not seeing them for 10 yrs I should have expected newer stuff.
Well Thursday night is going to be much fun... I am seeing
Brutal Truth
Pig Destroyer
@ the First Unitarian Church
This show will be probably the metal show of the year for me! I have always wanted to see Brutal Truth! I can see them and with one of my favorite metal bands... Pig Destroyer! If you are in philly and like metal, don't fuckin miss this show!!!

damn you - i would have killed to go see radiohead with you! grrrr

no, thats at champion ship and we're not going.