This week/weekend was a lot of fun. On tuesday I went to see Young Widows, Russian Circles, and Dalek. It had to have been one of the loudest live shows since I saw Sunno))). But before the show I went to get some good sushi on Pine St in philly like 13th and pine its right near my friends place... DELICIOUS! Then we got our eardrums rocked by Young Widows. They are always soo good when I see them! Dalek was alright but they boosted the bass to where my whole body shook. They were repetitive and the set got cut short because one of the monitors started smoking and caught fire from how loud they were. Russian Circles are one of those bands that are sweet on record but live are just alright. very over hyped but I enjoyed parts of their songs, not an actual whole song.
I started house sitting my grandparents place while they goto south america, pretty much Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. I am soooooooooo jealous!
Last night was fun, my friend's gf had a grilled cheese party and people brought tons of different kinds of break and cheese and fixings to make different kinds of grilled cheese. It was fantastic!!! I brought beer and my weird dance moves to try and make older women swoon to me. But they didn't work. I did fall for my friend's gf's younger sister, but she had a bf... LAME!
OH wednesday is a sweet show!
Strike Anywhere, Paint it Black, Higher Giant. Should be a great show!
I started house sitting my grandparents place while they goto south america, pretty much Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. I am soooooooooo jealous!
Last night was fun, my friend's gf had a grilled cheese party and people brought tons of different kinds of break and cheese and fixings to make different kinds of grilled cheese. It was fantastic!!! I brought beer and my weird dance moves to try and make older women swoon to me. But they didn't work. I did fall for my friend's gf's younger sister, but she had a bf... LAME!
OH wednesday is a sweet show!
Strike Anywhere, Paint it Black, Higher Giant. Should be a great show!

Define adult party haha

Thats actually kinda awesome. Man I think I need to steal this idea and have one myself. Of course about 3 people would come but thats besides the point.