The last week and a half has been quite fun.
Last sunday I went to a show with my friend jeff. We saw Pink Razors, Armalite, None More Black and Loved Ones.
Pink Razors even through technical difficulties and 3 broken strings they put together an awesome set. People were obviously there to see the over hyped bands with ex members of Kid Dynamite(None More Black and The Loved Ones).
Armalite who is Atom Goren(atom and his package), Dan lead singer of Paint it Black and been in other great philly/jersey bands like Kid Dynamite and Lifetime and Mike from Kill the man who questions. They are basically a philly supergroup who plays punk rock/alternative rock. I liked their energy live, better than their cd which was released that night. Dan was all over the place as usual!
None More Black was a band I had wanted to see, but right when I would get into a song, they throw out this song that was absolutely boring.. ugh I hate when that happens. They were very inconsistant. They had some really good songs though.
The Loved Ones... let me tell you guys what happened while they set up. In front of us were these drunk 18 yr old kids. This one musclehead was slappin his friend jokin around. Let me tell you this kid had a shirt with a girl strippin on the back of it and said "I support single moms"(fuckin jock) Then I see this totally absurd thing, he head butts his friend in the face and the kid bleeds everywhere. His "friend" goes to the bathroom and the dude doesn't go with him. So he causes his friend to miss the band he wanted to see and he stays and rocks out... That is total DOUCHBAGGERY!!! Now onto The Loved Ones set... they played a fun set, I just am not feeling their watered down punkrock/hardcore. Especially their hardcore songs. They are very energetic the whole set which was awesome and fun to watch though.
Then my friend from Anna came from louisville the next night. Gosh I missed her, she is an awesome friend. Tuesday I took the day off to goto philly with her and we spent the day at the art museum and south street, then met her friend in jersey and went bowling. All around fun day. Wednesday we just hung out after I was done work, and then went to see Harry and the Potters. They played with uncle monsterface. Both bands were fun bands but with gimics. Uncle Monsterface was alot more fun then a band with members who look like they are 19 yrs old singin about harry potter. It was fun to see that I was the oldest person besides the parents there with their children.
Saturday I went to my friend's house to play poker, and I freakin won!!! I usually couldn't crack the top 3 I would come in 4th but I won finally! won 40 bucks which is nice. it was an 11 person game! WOOOO!
Friday/this weekend is a weekend with our pal Jen!
Friday is the Gossip/Mates of State show
then we head to nyc to see her family. It will be a fun weekend!
Last sunday I went to a show with my friend jeff. We saw Pink Razors, Armalite, None More Black and Loved Ones.
Pink Razors even through technical difficulties and 3 broken strings they put together an awesome set. People were obviously there to see the over hyped bands with ex members of Kid Dynamite(None More Black and The Loved Ones).
Armalite who is Atom Goren(atom and his package), Dan lead singer of Paint it Black and been in other great philly/jersey bands like Kid Dynamite and Lifetime and Mike from Kill the man who questions. They are basically a philly supergroup who plays punk rock/alternative rock. I liked their energy live, better than their cd which was released that night. Dan was all over the place as usual!
None More Black was a band I had wanted to see, but right when I would get into a song, they throw out this song that was absolutely boring.. ugh I hate when that happens. They were very inconsistant. They had some really good songs though.
The Loved Ones... let me tell you guys what happened while they set up. In front of us were these drunk 18 yr old kids. This one musclehead was slappin his friend jokin around. Let me tell you this kid had a shirt with a girl strippin on the back of it and said "I support single moms"(fuckin jock) Then I see this totally absurd thing, he head butts his friend in the face and the kid bleeds everywhere. His "friend" goes to the bathroom and the dude doesn't go with him. So he causes his friend to miss the band he wanted to see and he stays and rocks out... That is total DOUCHBAGGERY!!! Now onto The Loved Ones set... they played a fun set, I just am not feeling their watered down punkrock/hardcore. Especially their hardcore songs. They are very energetic the whole set which was awesome and fun to watch though.
Then my friend from Anna came from louisville the next night. Gosh I missed her, she is an awesome friend. Tuesday I took the day off to goto philly with her and we spent the day at the art museum and south street, then met her friend in jersey and went bowling. All around fun day. Wednesday we just hung out after I was done work, and then went to see Harry and the Potters. They played with uncle monsterface. Both bands were fun bands but with gimics. Uncle Monsterface was alot more fun then a band with members who look like they are 19 yrs old singin about harry potter. It was fun to see that I was the oldest person besides the parents there with their children.
Saturday I went to my friend's house to play poker, and I freakin won!!! I usually couldn't crack the top 3 I would come in 4th but I won finally! won 40 bucks which is nice. it was an 11 person game! WOOOO!
Friday/this weekend is a weekend with our pal Jen!
Friday is the Gossip/Mates of State show
then we head to nyc to see her family. It will be a fun weekend!
Great getting to see you over the weekend! I'm actually listening to Grizzley Beear as I type this. 
