New Year, new misery, swear I am jinxed! Last Sunday, my Mom came to pick me up as my car is still off the road and as she's driving back, someone ploughs into the back of her car whilst we are waiting at some lights. End result = me with severe whiplash cuz I was in the back ( I always used to laugh at that word, not any more) all down my right hand side is pulled so to move my back and arm is painful so then I take Ibuprofen...doesn't seem to like me as it causes me just about every side effect so I switch to paracetamol which are doing absolutely nowt for the pain. Then Wednesday, I have a checkup at the doctors, my blood pressure is dangerously high and they don't know if it's stress, the tablets or my unhealthy diet so now I'm on a super duper healthy diet with no sugar or salt. My Mom and my little sister are OK thankfully, they got their necks pulled as they were in the front. Meh.
Good news...
my car gets fixed tomorrow...woot!
I have lost 5lb already and that's without exercise, can't wait til I'm no longer in pain so I can start swimming again.
I sold some tat on ebay and made over 100 to go towards my car repair.
Hopefully my next update will be full of gleeful things, keep ya fingers crossed for me!
Good news...
my car gets fixed tomorrow...woot!
I have lost 5lb already and that's without exercise, can't wait til I'm no longer in pain so I can start swimming again.
I sold some tat on ebay and made over 100 to go towards my car repair.
Hopefully my next update will be full of gleeful things, keep ya fingers crossed for me!

We ended up calling the little critter Bubbles....more of a pet name than Tre-Cool
the first months or so of a new year always tend to be really bad - making one think that the rest of the year that is to come will be equally horrendous. things tend to get better though!