I'm another year older. Bleh. Spent it getting splendiferously drunk on whiskey in a pub, then onto a punk gig somewhere near Brum uni (can't remember who played?!) where I got asked for ID. Wooh!
Have since been to Amsterdam but had a complete downer by being burgled 3 days before I went, they took about 2,500 worth and did about 1,000 in damage. Luckily...
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Have since been to Amsterdam but had a complete downer by being burgled 3 days before I went, they took about 2,500 worth and did about 1,000 in damage. Luckily...
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I never update this anymore! In the last couple of months, I've been to Paris, had one of 5 planned sittings to finally finish my Giger sleeve, been to gigs (Drongos for Europe, Contempt, Leftover Crack & Intro5pect), bought far too many corsets, been to a fetish night and got v.v.v drunk and generally been quite happy for once.
Too lazy to upload pics of...
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Too lazy to upload pics of...
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heeey there
yeah we normally get charmin bumper packs (we do a lot of poos hehe) How sad is this, I dont actually even remember my last gig..in fact i do, it was bad manners last year but my son got sick and we had to leave early!

yeah we normally get charmin bumper packs (we do a lot of poos hehe) How sad is this, I dont actually even remember my last gig..in fact i do, it was bad manners last year but my son got sick and we had to leave early!
oh heavens no,Im too old, fat and stretched marked...I wouldnt wanna put anyone through that hahaha
I got a new tattoo and a new macbook...pic in tattoo folder...not that clued up on how to get the link up yet on mac and post...doh!
[IMG] http://suicidegirls.com/albums/member/48479/gallery/1/html/ [/IMG]
Hmmm getting closer!
[IMG] http://suicidegirls.com/albums/member/48479/gallery/1/html/ [/IMG]
Hmmm getting closer!
Very funky tattoo, is it behind your ear??
I long for new tattoo's but my bank balance wont allow it until i get a full time job now i am no longer a student!!!
I long for new tattoo's but my bank balance wont allow it until i get a full time job now i am no longer a student!!!
New Year, new misery, swear I am jinxed! Last Sunday, my Mom came to pick me up as my car is still off the road and as she's driving back, someone ploughs into the back of her car whilst we are waiting at some lights. End result = me with severe whiplash cuz I was in the back ( I always used to laugh at...
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I hope the rest of the year is a bit luckier for you
We ended up calling the little critter Bubbles....more of a pet name than Tre-Cool

We ended up calling the little critter Bubbles....more of a pet name than Tre-Cool


thank you so much for your happy birthday wishes! (i know its been awhile since, im very sorry i didn't get back to you sooner).
the first months or so of a new year always tend to be really bad - making one think that the rest of the year that is to come will be equally horrendous. things tend to get better though!
the first months or so of a new year always tend to be really bad - making one think that the rest of the year that is to come will be equally horrendous. things tend to get better though!
I saw the end of 2006 out a friends house, just 3 of us drinking and playing Little Britain (I pressed stop and fucked up the game on the last round so we had to start all over again - whoops!) so it was calm in contrast to other years but then again I was in a foul mood to celebrate as the head gasket...
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Damn... Broken personal transport sucks. It makes you realise how bloody awful the rest of the human race is when yer stuck on a bus with them...
Sexy Glasses! like a hot and very metal teacher!
Thank you for the birthday wishes i had a wicked time will put a post up later telling all.
Yes she was very brave but mostly drunk i think i was more brave to be honest because if i fucked it up she would have removed my testicles
Thank you for the birthday wishes i had a wicked time will put a post up later telling all.
Yes she was very brave but mostly drunk i think i was more brave to be honest because if i fucked it up she would have removed my testicles

I ended up going to Torquay on Friday - I woke up, decided to go and had half an hour to pack and get ready which was chaos. The campsite our mates were on wouldn't allow single sex groups and said we'd have a problem in all of Devon and that we should just go to Newquay...I think she took an instant dislike to the...
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I dunno what it is.. I just find it all a lot less intuitive than the old site.

Thanks honey
Gorgeous photos...makes me wish i was elsewhere!
I always find a good response to 'why do you mutilate yourself like that?' is
'so I dont have to look as dull as you mother fucker'

Gorgeous photos...makes me wish i was elsewhere!
I always find a good response to 'why do you mutilate yourself like that?' is
'so I dont have to look as dull as you mother fucker'
I just went to see League of Gentlemen Apocalypse, I hurt from laughing!
Sweet, I was thinking about seeing that today..... but I'll probably just go drinkin' instead. I think I'll be in scruffy's later if you're out, if you see me give us a dig and I'll by you a beer. Otherwise, some of the girls I live with want to go to the academy tonight so I thought I'd go check it out.

Cheers, i think we're gonna go see Sin City tomoro instead. You up to anything exciting this weekend?
Did a new profile pic, other one was too stretched. On way out to an all dayer at my local now. Anyone going to City Invasion gig in Sheffield/London in July?
Thanx! you sure do
Just watching Ricky Gervais Politics!
Luci and Bobo look very similer!
Great pic of you and Patricia btw!
[Edited on Jun 02, 2005 11:36PM]

Luci and Bobo look very similer!

[Edited on Jun 02, 2005 11:36PM]
No shit, you're in Birmingham?!
Sweet I'm sure I'll see you about at gigs 'n stuff. You'll have to keep me informed on what's happening where as I'm not really connected yet.
What's the skinhead scene like round here? I've just moved over from Germany where it was pretty tight. We had a nice little crew of Skinz 'n Punx who just used to go shows and get wasted and shit. I also started hanging with the local antifa group before I left, I don't suppose you know of groups round this way?
Sweet I'm sure I'll see you about at gigs 'n stuff. You'll have to keep me informed on what's happening where as I'm not really connected yet.
What's the skinhead scene like round here? I've just moved over from Germany where it was pretty tight. We had a nice little crew of Skinz 'n Punx who just used to go shows and get wasted and shit. I also started hanging with the local antifa group before I left, I don't suppose you know of groups round this way?
So last weekend was good, bands were great (check out Fighting in Someone's House) and I gave into the calling and had pizza.
Monday I saw Star Wars, dialogue ropey as ever but the fight scenes made up for it. As for being depressed over missing Wasted in Morecambe, I have more than made up for it by booking 4 days in Amsterdam in September...
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Monday I saw Star Wars, dialogue ropey as ever but the fight scenes made up for it. As for being depressed over missing Wasted in Morecambe, I have more than made up for it by booking 4 days in Amsterdam in September...
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Hi..just passing by so thought I'd say hello.
Nice Tatts!
Nice Tatts!

Hey there!
Cool tats.great taste in music,and a black pussy like me!!!
Welcome honey
Cool tats.great taste in music,and a black pussy like me!!!

Welcome honey

I just booked tickets for the League of Gentlemen pantomime...It's behind you! And I'm going to a gig tomorrow night so all's looking good for this weekend after all

"My wife says there was a blockage in your toilet, Dave... But I have fixed it now..."
Sheer bloody genius.
You'll have to let me know if it's any good.
Sheer bloody genius.

Wow... There's nothing like booking well in advance, is there?