what to do this evening?? you, car, Seattle. That's about all I can think of.
Yeah I get the whole symbolism thing, but is it really neccesary? Do you really need that validation. ie: Christ. If you have faith shouldn't you just know he died for you and keep it in your heart as a constant reminder of it? Do you really need a cross as a rememberence of it? Anyhow, none of that is really relevant to me because I don't belive in any of it. I mean, I'm sure there was a Jesus who claimed to be the son of god, but if I don't believe in God how can I believe this Jesus guy is telling the truth or is just some freak? Wow, Jazmin, way to get rambling...
ok...she sent the directions...I am off tomarow...send me your number...I have anger management then I'm not sure...I'll give you a call in the morning or afternoon...
Was nice to hangout last night...I had to work at 8am I found out...ooops...I still got a job~
Let me know what is going on & if you want to come along I'm going to Eugene wednesday night for some partying...Since you don't have a job & all...YumChen is thowing something...
so s5 is your idea of heaven? hes cute but he doesnt compair to those ladies!